Saturday, November 26, 2011

Province to strengthen Agricultural Land Commission

Details on the improvements to theALC include:

·      Preserving Farmland: Legislation introduced today supports the ALC focusing its resources on its core functions. The legislation would place a five-year moratorium on repeat applications to the ALC.
·      Sustainable Operations: An additional $1.6 million provides the ALC with resources to transition to a more self-supporting operating model by 2013. The proposed legislation would also allow the ALC to charge service fees to augment provincial funding. The fee structure will be set by provincial regulation following consultation with producers, local governments and other stakeholders.
·      Increased Enforcement:  The Province has already increased the number of provincial government officials authorized to investigate and respond to ALR violations to approximately 30 through coordinated multi-ministry enforcement. The proposed legislation would further expand enforcement by allowing qualified officials from other government agencies and levels of government to conduct enforcement activities.
·      Strategic Governance: The recruitment of a chief executive officer (CEO) for the ALC is underway. The CEO will lead the ALC’s evolution into a sustainably structured organization. The proposed legislation would also enable the chair of the ALC to have greater oversight of regional panels to ensure fairness, transparency and consistency in the decision-making process.
·      Upgraded Information Services: Government ministries and agencies are already working to improve the ALC’s business processes and information management capacity through its online application tracking system. Upon completion, this effort will provide enhanced web services to clients through full integration with the Province’s online mapping database and interactive tools.
·      Encouraging Farming:  These changes will free up resources to allow the Province and the ALC to be more proactive in their work with local governments to encourage agriculture in their land use plans, bylaws and policies, and to promote agriculture, farm diversification and value-added processing in their communities.
  ·      A new minister’s bylaw standard: The bylaw standard provides local governments with a ready-to-use model that restricts building large residential homes in the centre of ALR lots and ensures the majority of the land is preserved for agricultural use. The resulting standard follows extensive consultation with local governments, agriculture producers, stakeholders and the general public. The standard is posted at:
The chair’s report is available at:
The proposed legislation is posted as part of Bill 19 at:

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Coldstream Council meeting -- November 28, 2011!

This is the final meeting of the current Council. Come and say good bye to retiring Councillor Bill Firman!


Sunday, November 20, 2011

Comments are welcome again.

Hello everyone!

During the election I discontinued posting comments as the anonymous posters became increasingly acrimonious and some even libelous. The posted comments were not destroyed, only hidden. Now they will be available for viewing again. A note of caution: inappropriate or libelous comments will not be published.

Thank you



Mayor Garlick's thank you note!

Gyula can you post this picture and my message below on your blog?

I woke up this morning and got dressed to start rounding up my signs after the election. When I opened the door this sight greeted me.

It is truly a privilege to live in Coldstream with such a great group of helpful and caring people.
Thank you to all those who gathered these up!!!!!
Your mayor Jim Garlick


Photo Gallery - Here are a few of our year-round residents - Debbie Gibson!

Thank you Coldstream Taxpayers! Here are the election results.


On behalf of the new Council I would like to thank you all for your confidence in the outgoing Council. We will continue representing your best interest in the future as we did during the last three years.

Abowe find the final results of today's election!


Saturday, November 19, 2011

Please, VOTE!!!

Coldstream Election 2011 - Reminder to Vote!

When and Where:

Saturday November 19th

8am - 8pm

Coldstream Elementary School or Lavington Elementary School
(whichever you live closest to)


·       You must show 2 pieces of ID - at least one piece must have your signature on it!

to vote for 1 Mayor and up to 6 Councillors

You will receive a Referendum Ballot asking if you are in favour of the District of Coldstream Council borrowing approximately 1.3 million dollars in order to construct a new Mechanic Shop, and address environmental concerns, WorkSafe BC standards, and works yard site improvements.

So as not to spoil your ballots…Be sure you vote with an “X” completely inside the boxes of your choice.

If you need a ride to and from a polling station, please contact Louise Christie at 542-9109 to make arrangements.


Thursday, November 17, 2011

Saturday is the day - here is my pledge!

Please make sure you get out and vote regardless of whom you support!

My pledge to you, should you decide to support me, is that I will continue my vigilant assessment of the newest Master Water Plan. That plan is currently being developed by the consultants and it is imperative that this time they have it right.

To date there were two plans. The first one, the more reasonable one, which included separation of agricultural and domestic water supplies and filtration, was discarded two years after having been approved by the electorate by way of the 2003 elections. That  plan cost a total of about $500,000, including the demonstration treatment plants on Middleton Mountain.

In 2004 the current plan was put before the electorate in a referendum. Politicians of the time strongly supported this plan as a perfect cheap alternative. They were aware, or should have been aware (I reminded them often enough) of the fact that this plan was considered and discarded by the creators of the first plan. Their objection was due to the fact that this plan would have been $49 million more costly than the one they produced. The main reason was the wasteful treatment of huge volumes of water that was used for crop irrigation. They should have been aware of the fact that peak demands could not be met by the new plant and water advisories or boil water advisories were inevitable in the future. Staff knew that and I would be surprised if they did not warn politicians of this issue.

What happens is that when the demand exceeds the capacity of the plant treated water is mixed with untreated water negating the benefit of the treatment. Although this did not happen this year the potential of this happening was so close that staff declared water advisories for much of the summer. As it happens, it was not even a hot summer.

Now that a new "Super Master Plan" is in the works I would love to be there to scrutinize of how it is developed. I would also like to continue the development of water pricing policies to ensure they are as close to fairness as possible. My presentation today at GVAC was debated and eventually tabled to the new Committee to be created after the election. I would love to defend the proposal I put forward to the Committee.

As an added benefit I would continue to see that sewer costs are kept to a minimum. No sewer extension at taxpayers expense!

So, if you consider my pledge worth while and you want to have a watch dog to ensure you get the best plan for you money I would be honored to be selected. However, if you believe others will do a better job by all means, I'll accept your verdict without a grudge. I will keep you informed either way.

 It was an honour to serve for the past three years and if you so wish it will be an honour to represent you for the next three!

 Thank you!



Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Friday, November 11, 2011

Coldstream Council meeting -- November 14, 2011


Collectors of campaign signs.

It appears that some people are so found of their choice of candidates that they are actually removing them as souvenirs. John Hegler reported that several of his signs were misappropriated. I also lost 3-4 of my signs.

If these signs are so coveted collectors should wait until after the election and ask their favourit candidates to donate some to them. lol


Remembrance day celebrations in Coldstream.


Coldstream Cenotaph, 9909 Kalamalka Road, commencing at 10:45 a.m.
Followed by refreshments courtesy of the Coldstream Fire Hall.

Lavington Cenotaph in the park on School Road, commencing at 10:45 a.m.
Followed by refreshments courtesy of the Lavington Fire Hall.


Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Comments on the last all candidates' forum.

During the last forum Mr Hrabchuk repeatedly reassured the crowed that he was not a developer. I would give him the benefit of doubt. However, Google searching Dave Hrabchuk I got the information below (click here):

The definition of "developer" might be different for different people. You decide if Mr Hrabchuk was correct in his assertion.


Readers write: Can you please everyone?



Monday, November 7, 2011

Coldstream All Candidates Forum - Reminder - It is tonight! CRA organized!

Coldstream 2011 Municipal Election
All Candidates’ Forums

Meet the candidates - hear what they have to say.
Monday November 7
Okanagan College
7 pm
Get informed! Get Involved!


Thursday, November 3, 2011

GVAC News - November 3, 2011

Five Dollar Charge For Boat Launch Parking On Kal, Okanagan Lakes

Greater Vernon politicians support fee and season's pass


It is going to cost to park in boat launch areas at both Kalavista and Paddlewheel Park during boating season, from the May long weekend until Labour Day in September. Greater Vernon's advisory committee has recommended a five-dollar daily parking charge with a discounted season's pass. Next year, that pass would cost 50 bucks. ``Instead of the general taxpayer paying for the boat launches, the boaters can pay for the boat launches,'' says Vernon director Jack Gilroy, a keen boater. ``I don't see a problem with that as long as there is a reasonable fee and the money can go right into the infrastructure of the boat launches.'' Coldstream Mayor Jim Garlick is in favour too as it will cover some of the costs involved in the upkeep at Kalavista. ``It goes towards the facility and any upgrades or maintainence that needs to be done and the fact that we have attendants there now,'' says Garlick. ``I think the attendants have been a real positive thing.'' Garlick says he would not favour an ``abusive'' fee that forced boaters to go elsewhere in the community, causing other problems. The recommendation received unanimous support. 


Drought Management Plan Sets New Stages, Changes Watering Rules

GVAC recommends early budget approval for Goose Lake separation


Tougher enforcement of water regulations and a change in alternate day sprinkling are two guidelines set out in a massive drought management plan presented to Greater Vernon politicians Thursday. It calls for an end to alternate day watering for households during a `normal' summer, to be replaced by three days only of watering and none on Mondays. Parks and other public places would also come under the new rules. ``It helps us to understand our outdoor water use a bit better by having one day where there's no outdoor watering and better for enforcement too,'' says Renee Clark, water quality manager for the North Okanagan Regional District. The plan goes to NORD directors next and, if approved, goes out for public consultation. The plan sets out new stages for droughts -- from mild to emergency. There would also be that new, `normal' stage.
The Greater Vernon Advisory Committee is recommending early approval for millions of dollars in spending on a key water separation project. The project would provide 358 homes with treated Duteau water and take them off Goose Lake. It's considered the worst potable water source in the area and is expected to be used for agriculture only in future. The cost of the project is 5.8-million dollars


In addition Directors unanimously approved the name change of Coldstream Centennial Park to "Sovereign Park". The name change has to be approved by the Board of Directors but it is anticipated to be a routine matter.


Wednesday, November 2, 2011

A Letter from Bank of America - The Borowitz report

November 2, 2011
NEW YORK (The Borowitz Report) – The following letter was sent today by Bank of America to all of its debit card customers:

Dear Valued Customer:

As most of you probably know by now, last month we instituted a $5 monthly fee for all of our debit card users. To say that what followed this decision was a shitstorm would be a massive understatement.

Considering that just three years earlier taxpayers had bailed us out with billions of their hard-earned dollars, it’s understandable that Bank of America was compared to a person who, as he is pulled from a burning building, turns and kicks the fireman in the nuts.

That’s why we are writing to you today with a simple message: “Our bad.” And to tell you that we are refunding the $5 to you, effective immediately. All you have to do is pay a simple, one-time $10 refund fee.

You can receive your refund online, or pick it up at your nearest Bank of America branch, where a teller will hand the money directly to you for a simple, one-time $15 handling fee.

If you do visit your branch, feel free to use any of our services, including our state of the art ballpoint pens and deposit slips. (Prices on request.)

Again, accept our apologies for instituting the debit card fee. We have learned our lesson, and we make this solemn promise: next time we squeeze money from you, we'll do it in a way you won’t notice.

Bank of America

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Coldstream All Candidates Forum - Reminder - It is tonight! CRA organized!

Coldstream 2011 Municipal Election
All Candidates’ Forums

Meet the candidates - hear what they have to say.
Tuesday November 1
Coldstream Elementary School
7 pm

Monday November 7
Okanagan College
7 pm
Get informed! Get Involved!


NORD and GVAC Agendas



Coldstream Ratepayers News! All Coldstream residents are ratepayers!

The opinions expressed by "Coldstreamer" are strictly his own and do not represent the opinions of Coldstream Council!

Because I value your thoughtful opinions, I encourage you to add a comment to this discussion. Don't be offended if I edit your comments for clarity or to keep out questionable matters, however, and I may even delete off-topic comments.

Gyula Kiss;


We must protect our rights and freedom! (Photo courtesy of D. Gibson) Click on eagle to watch EAGLECAMS

About Me

My photo
I have been a resident of Coldstream since 1976. I have had 15 years of experience on Council, 3 years as Mayor. As a current Councillor I am working to achieve fair water and sewer rates and to ensure that taxpayers get fair treatment. The current direction regarding water supply is unsustainable and I am doing all I can to get the most cost effective water supply possible.