I wish to express my thanks to Richard Rolke for his excellent report, not so much for myself but for the fact that his article kept in focus the nearly forgotten events sixty years ago. My activities were relatively minor never coming close to the sacrifices many of my countrymen and women offered up. Many of them gave their lives or spent long sentences in prison.
As many of you know, my rebellious roots are still feeding my rebellious mind. Many people ask me how I can carry on with my water issues against so much opposition from my peers. Perhaps the above article shed some light on the reasons. I believe that the current MWP is not in the right direction and I can prove it using the reports provided by the consultants and staff.
Establishing the Research Station in Vernon was one of the toughest fights I had to do in my professional life. All my peers voted against the move: it was only my superior who believed in me and convinced the Government that the move would be beneficial. It was. I carried out literature research and made my personal observations that convinced me that the move would deliver the expected results.
In order to show that the scruffy appearance appearing above eventually improved so I am including my graduation photo that was taken in 1959, two years after the scruffy pictures.