From: AFP
May 31, 2012 3:55AM
US PRESIDENT Barack Obama has congratulated Mitt Romney on being chosen as the Republican to challenge him as the leader of America.
Or is that ‘Amercia’?
With a win in the Texas primary, Mr Romney secured his place as the Republican nominee but his celebrations were somewhat dimmed by a spelling mistake on the "With Mitt" iPhone application rolled out by his campaign.
The app allows users to express support for the recently anointed Republican flagbearer by personalising a photo with an overlaid Romney slogan. Trouble is, one of the slogans has a howler of a spelling mistake: "A Better Amercia".
Members of the proofreading public recently made the discovery and it went viral on microblogging site Twitter, with people mockingly tweeting photos showing the "Amercia" message.
"Some poor app designer is getting strapped in a cage on the top of a car and driven across country tonight. #amercia," one user tweeted, in a reference to Mr Romney's hard-to-live-down decision years ago to strap the family dog in its carrier on the roof of the car during a vacation... more