An Explanation for my Withdrawal
Kiss FM and the Morningstar have asked me why I withdraw my name for Coldstream council after the first All Candidates Forum, which was held in Lavington, on 21 October 2008. Well that's a fair question which I haven't been able to completely articulate until recently. I came away from that Forum with strong reservations about the political process. So I decided to write a speech for the next forum meeting in Coldstream indicating my dissatisfactions. Let me tell you why. I will sketch you my picture of local politics. The business and propertied classes shouldn't be able to rule Coldstream, largely in their favor at the expense of others,at least not in a democracy!
The first two forums looked to me like a political circus. Unfortunately each candidate was put under a three minute time constraint and many weren't able to finish their presentations without being rudely interrupted by a buzzer. When it came to answering questions from the audience many candidates felt the need to get up and to speak to questions at length, since there were no time constraints imposed on that process. So we had long cues of candidates lining up with long winded speeches. I found this trying and tiring. It turned out to be a good exercise because it separated the blabber mouths from the listeners. Eventually some of the candidates found reasons to disagree and we had some meaningful confrontations.
Candidates should come to elections as independents. Jim Garlick came just short of endorsing Maria Besso, Richard Enns, Bill Firman and Doug Dirk[?] at the Lavington forum. Rumor is that Jim Garlick, can expect support from Maria Besso and Richard Enns ,assuming at least one is elected, to bear the extra burdens of mayoral duties. Perhaps Jim Garlick should come forward to address this. I don't know who would support Glen Taylor other than the Vernon Chamber of Commerce. I fear he is going down, without his old captain, who has already abandoned the old, discredited alliance of Corner-Taylor- Williams. Doug Dirk seemed to be his habitual, quiet, lonely self and perhaps he does so wisely . John Hegler and Bill Firman got quite pugnacious when incited. Gyula Kiss has been doggedly fighting against a pervasive xenophobia prevalent in the Coldstream. I would hate to think what his chances of election would be if he was a visible minority and not just one with a thick foreign accent. What makes this even more astonishing is how Coldstreamers could embrace the likes of Gary Corner as mayor, who to me, comes across as the most odious and repugnant politician [?] in Coldstream. I think most come away from the forums independent and unaligned. This is perhaps as it should be, except for me, I had the audacity to commend Garlick as mayor when that could turn out to be the kiss of death for him.
I was particularly amused by the artistic contortions Glen Taylor and Mary Malerby went through as they tried to extricate themselves from indefensible predicaments. Malerby just doesn't know when to quit. Poor Pat Cochrane never seemed to recover from the drubbing he got on his stand for amalgamation and the Spicer block sports complex. He went silent the next night knowing he had no support for those positions. He can't claim that he wasn't fore warned by Richard Rolke and myself. Clair Methot,with nine children and innumerable grandchildren needs to get elected because his wife wants him out of the house more often. Lynn Spraggs pleaded he wasn't really Ed Asner, now deceased, but he wants you to help, to him get elected, so he can help you! Grieg Crockett and Dave Rossi exuded a nonchalance and casual charm stiffened with a liberal view of life which I found rather appealing. Perrin Hayes seemed to be as overtaken by the proceedings as much I was and seemed much comforted by his chair. Dean Skoreyko is still trying intrepidly to get excepted into some kind of political group, any group, maybe he should form his own organization predicated on the principles of the Religious Right. I have to admire John Hegler's obvious disgust with presumptuous, oily, two faced , politicians. He probably is angry with them because he knows people shouldn't act that way, at least if they were properly brought up . Becky Strube is hopeful her many talents and work as an architectural designer might be put to good use on council. Ruth Moore is dedicated to life in Lavington and wants to preserve her lifestyle. Allen Dubeski was a no show until the second forum.
I can only guess what others think of me, nobody has ever said anything to my face yet, probably that I am a sanctimonious, radical, opinionated, outspoken hothead who does not know how to behave in the decorous business of local politics. I would not dispute this or even accusations of narcissism. I like to show off when I write . So I consider myself lucky not to be challenged to a duel or hauled into court for sullying undeserved reputations. Which leads me to speculate whether the Coldstream is perhaps the home too many conservative, genteel, sedate, business minded, emotionally repressed WASP's. If that's so, then there would be no taste for even one colorful, charismatic, charming or candid loose cannon on council. [This might explain Coldstream's cool reception to former mayoral candidate and past CRA president Andy Danyliu.] No, seven Casper milk toasts on council marching to Wendy Kay's drumbeat would be just perfect for Coldstream, it seems!
Why did I run for council? Perhaps I just wanted a chance to get my message out, to get the attention of the public about the need for reform at city hall, to save the Coldstream from rapacious developers. That can only be achieved if the electorate choose the right people to get the right jobs done. Elections should not just be popularity contests among long time local residents, even newcomers to the Coldstream should be given a fair chance to serve! I think Coldstreamers have finally come to realize their past electoral mistakes; they have seen their confidence and trust betrayed by some on council and are ready for reform. The old saw applies: “ People get the government they deserve”.
So I have doubts about my desire to rescue Coldstream from yet another dysfunctional, misdirected council or act as an in house watchdog with it's inevitable conflicts. However distasteful it may seem to me now, I did make a commitment, which I can't get out of. Who knows being a councilor could actually be challenging, satisfying, rewarding, perhaps even fun, but that's a stretch. I have a chance to meet new people; perhaps even become friends with some. I will let the public decide what to do with my name on the municipal ballot, if they agree with me then put a mark beside my name, if they do not, then just move on to choices more to their taste.
I hope this explains my belated withdrawal from the electoral circus. I did try to get my message out to the public and perhaps I have had a hand in shaping the outcome of the election. I announced my candidacy with hopefulness, I withdrew because I felt I wasn't needed anymore. You have a lot of good candidates to chose from.
Peter Peto
26 Oct 2008