Following is my correspondence with the Chief Administrative Officer of the District Of Coldstream in chronological order. The issue revolves around whether the Auditor should appear before Council for the presentation of the Audited Financial Statements. It is customary to have the Auditor present to answer relevant question regarding the financial status of the Corporation.
July 11, 2008
Hi Wendy.
This request is addressed to Mayor and Council.
During my service on the District's Council it was customary to have the Auditor present at the presentation of the Annual Financial Report. This practice was continued at least the past four years as the Auditor was present at each of the meetings except for this year. I had some questions for the Auditor and his fee for the Audit includes his presence to answer questions from the taxpayers, who actually pay for his services.
On behalf of the Coldstream Ratepayers Association I respectfully request that the Auditor be made available at the next or a subsequent Council meeting to answer some questions regarding the 2007 Annual Financial Report.
Gyula Kiss
President, CRPA
Jul 19, 2008 Gyula: The Auditor generally comes to present the Annual Financial Statements and not the Annual Financial Report. Council received the Financial Statements earlier this year and determined the need to have the Auditor to be present was not required. The Annual Financial Report is prepared by the District of Coldstream. Council has denied your request to have the Auditor attend our next Council meeting. If you have questions related to the Annual Financial Report, I urge you to put these in writing and forward to the Director of Financial Administration for appropriate response. Wendy -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Jul 22, 2008 Gyula: Keri-Ann has passed your email onto me regarding a request to appear as a delegation with respect to the Auditor. As previously advised, Council has denied your request to have the Auditor appear before Council. I would suggest you forward a letter to Council outlining your concerns for Council direction on your correspondence. As you are aware, the delegation portion and public opportunity portion of the agenda provides an opportunity to provide input to Council on a specific matter or issue of concern, this is not an opportunity to debate amongst people in the gallery or those making presentations. Although Council is versed on my subjects, it would be unfair to assume they can answer all of your questions, hence the suggestion to put your concerns in writing for the appropriate people to respond. Noting the above, this matter will not be placed on the agenda under delegations, and I urge you to provide your concerns in writing, addressed to Mayor and Council. Wendy Kay Chief Administrative Officer 9901 Kalamalka Road Coldstream, BC V1B-1L6 Phone: 545-5304 Fax: 545-4733
Jul 22, 2008
Thank you for your prompt reply and for your suggestion. Hence I have my letter to Council attached. I hope this will satisfy the reasons for my request.
I am quite aware of the fact that Council may not be able to answer all my questions. That is exactly the reason why I want to have the Auditor present who may be able to sort out these questions. Once again I wish to point out that when a corporation's Audited Financial Statements are presented to the shareholders of the corporation the Auditor's presence is mandatory to answer questions posed by shareholders.
Thank you for your attention.
Gyula Kiss
President, CRPA
Subsequently the following letter was sent to members of Council in support of my application:

Hi Wendy.
This request is addressed to Mayor and Council.
During my service on the District's Council it was customary to have the Auditor present at the presentation of the Annual Financial Report. This practice was continued at least the past four years as the Auditor was present at each of the meetings except for this year. I had some questions for the Auditor and his fee for the Audit includes his presence to answer questions from the taxpayers, who actually pay for his services.
On behalf of the Coldstream Ratepayers Association I respectfully request that the Auditor be made available at the next or a subsequent Council meeting to answer some questions regarding the 2007 Annual Financial Report.
Gyula Kiss
President, CRPA
Jul 19, 2008 Gyula: The Auditor generally comes to present the Annual Financial Statements and not the Annual Financial Report. Council received the Financial Statements earlier this year and determined the need to have the Auditor to be present was not required. The Annual Financial Report is prepared by the District of Coldstream. Council has denied your request to have the Auditor attend our next Council meeting. If you have questions related to the Annual Financial Report, I urge you to put these in writing and forward to the Director of Financial Administration for appropriate response. Wendy -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Jul 22, 2008 Gyula: Keri-Ann has passed your email onto me regarding a request to appear as a delegation with respect to the Auditor. As previously advised, Council has denied your request to have the Auditor appear before Council. I would suggest you forward a letter to Council outlining your concerns for Council direction on your correspondence. As you are aware, the delegation portion and public opportunity portion of the agenda provides an opportunity to provide input to Council on a specific matter or issue of concern, this is not an opportunity to debate amongst people in the gallery or those making presentations. Although Council is versed on my subjects, it would be unfair to assume they can answer all of your questions, hence the suggestion to put your concerns in writing for the appropriate people to respond. Noting the above, this matter will not be placed on the agenda under delegations, and I urge you to provide your concerns in writing, addressed to Mayor and Council. Wendy Kay Chief Administrative Officer 9901 Kalamalka Road Coldstream, BC V1B-1L6 Phone: 545-5304 Fax: 545-4733
Jul 22, 2008
Thank you for your prompt reply and for your suggestion. Hence I have my letter to Council attached. I hope this will satisfy the reasons for my request.
I am quite aware of the fact that Council may not be able to answer all my questions. That is exactly the reason why I want to have the Auditor present who may be able to sort out these questions. Once again I wish to point out that when a corporation's Audited Financial Statements are presented to the shareholders of the corporation the Auditor's presence is mandatory to answer questions posed by shareholders.
Thank you for your attention.
Gyula Kiss
President, CRPA
Subsequently the following letter was sent to members of Council in support of my application:

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