The Mayor's tactics were diabolical. He would not allow presentation involving the sewer during the public hearing and then they would not accept submissions following the Hearing. Ingenious! H

NO SUBMISSIONS ON THE ABOVE BYLAW WILL BE RECEIVED BY COUNCIL FOLLOWING THE CONCLUSION OF THE PUBLIC HEARING.Note the costs: the developer will cover $1 million while Coldstream will cover the remainder ($300,000 and likely more). That would amount to a 10% tax hike except Council might keep to their old habit of using sewer customers' funds.
The cost of the up-sizing of the old line on Kalamalka Road was estimated to be $2 million in 1997 by the Clerk/Administrator of the time. In addition, the up-sizing of the transmission line beyond Coldstream's boundary would also have to be born by sewer customers.
Fortunately for the Mayor and four of the Councillors they will not have to bear the financial consequences of their decision. Ironically, the previous Council also had six members not connected to the sewer so they were very free in spending funds belonging to the utility.
Just for something to think about!
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