It's important to mention the down side of our wonderful tax cuts as well as the up side!

When Vernon Council speaks of operating the City's business in a "business like manner" they really mean business. Perhaps they have taken a page out of Coldstream's business plans. Coldstream has used sewer customers' funds to finance sewer extension so a private business would not have to expend their valuable money. Come to think of it, the same individual seems to be involved in the Hesperia project as the Coldstream Meadows' project. I wonder who may have suggested appropriate financing schemes? Would this letter be a hint? That letter is an excellent example of how to use taxpayers' dollars for private benefit. It is even mentioned that "We do have a self interest in seeing the sewer extended...". Oh really? You don't say!


"It's a liability issue. I can't go in there", said Mayor Gary Corner. Really? Are we worried that our firefighters who risk their lives going into burning buildings, rescuing people will be creating a liability when visiting their new building? I think the Mayor should have thought of something more plausible than the liability issue.
Perhaps a story of "We want to surprise them with the new building and hope they'll like what we did for them". Or perhaps it's a superstition like the groom is not supposed to see his new bride until they meet at the altar or some similar equally ridiculous story. But liability?
Of course, our Mayor is the best authority on everything and he is the final authority. Too bad, it did not work with the sports complex!
Perhaps a story of "We want to surprise them with the new building and hope they'll like what we did for them". Or perhaps it's a superstition like the groom is not supposed to see his new bride until they meet at the altar or some similar equally ridiculous story. But liability?
Of course, our Mayor is the best authority on everything and he is the final authority. Too bad, it did not work with the sports complex!
The next four stories are self explanatory and will not need my commentary.

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