It starts at 7 pm.
There is no mayor's race in Coldstream with Jim Garlick acclaimed to a new four year term, but there are seven candidates running for the six council positions.
Meantime, a forum for the Vernon and Coldstream school trustee
candidates will be held next Tuesday from 7 to 8:30 pm in the Vernon
Secondary School Theatre.
It's being put on by the Vernon Teachers Association and the District Parent Advisory Council
Lisa LaBoucane, First Vice President from the VTA, says the forum
will provide the opportunity for the candidates to share their
priorities and positions on issues facing Vernon and Coldstream schools.
It will also give the public the chance to ask questions of the candidates through a moderator.
"Change starts at the ballot box," says LaBoucane. "If parents,
teachers, and informed citizens and their families vote, we can have a
significant impact on our schools and our community."
The two Lumby area trustees on the District 22 board were acclaimed.
An interesting question to ask the incumbents (5 of the 7) is about their attendance record to Council meetings. I have personally seen one on the golf course during a Monday meeting!? Perhaps it is time to structure pay around attendance.
Herb for Mayor @Herbformayor Oct 24
http://www.theprovince.com/news/Which+communities+keeping+municipal+spending+check+which+aren/10314473/story.html … Out of control spending in municipal government.
Ryan L @Rlesyshen Oct 29
@Herbformayor there are only 3 places in all BC that have per capita spending below $500. Sooke, Metchosin and Coldstream. #SookeElection
10:27 PM - 29 Oct 2014 ·
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