Notice to: Members of the Coldstream Ratepayers’ Association
Regarding: Candidates for the November 15th 2008 Municipal Election
The Executive of the CRA does not presume to tell its membership how to vote. However, if you are still trying to decide on who to vote for, we do encourage you to educate yourselves about the candidates by reading their ads and brochures; speaking directly with them; reading about their platforms on the Coldstream Blog (Coldstreamernews, click forum2008); or discussing the issues with friends, neighbours, and fellow CRA members who have already done the research.Regarding: Candidates for the November 15th 2008 Municipal Election

Find out about the candidates’: values and ideas in relation to the CRA Goals and Objectives(see attached) level of concern for adherence to the OCP personal, educational and professional skills and related experience reasons for running - passions and priorities visions for the future of Coldstream proposed actions that reflect their visions If you have any questions of the CRA Executive, please do not hesitate to call any of us at the numbers below:
Steve Heeren 250 545-3202Advance Polls: Wed. Nov.12 & Thur. Nov.13 / 8am to 8pm / Municipal Hall Don’t forget to bring 2 pieces of ID – at least one with your signature on it!
Louise Christie 250 542-9109 (will be out of town after Nov. 12)
Dave Curwen 250 545-6569
Barry Fifer 250 545-1937
Flo Ryan 250 542-6919
Shirley Henry 250 545-5622
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