It should be assumed that they have put their own agendas on hold to strive for the provision of community needs. A country’s needs supercede the wants of individuals and collective groups. Many times, the collective actions of our elected representatives seem more driven by their dedication to cater to self-interest groups.
Recently, in Coldstream, GVSC (Got Very Stupid in Coldstream) and its proponents were stopped from the attempted Spicer block pillage.
I have been wondering how such a proposal almost became a reality.What approach did GVSC use to determine the public’s need for such a thing? How many citizens felt that a dog agility area was an asset that would make Coldstream even better? As for the walking paths, no one consulted my neighbours or me whether we thought driving to the park to take a walk was a sane activity.
Now I see that GVSC has been approached to fund a bicycle skills park - another important need in the community !!!!
Well now, I come from the old age pensioners’ segment of the area. How do we, a very large group, make our needs become reality? Surely an indoor dog walk, one like the Marshall indoor soccer facility, is as viable as a bicycle skills park. Often I read or hear that the addition of such facilities is good for business; more tourism, more malls, etc. Whose good? Surely the good of the majority is more important than the bacchanalian Fun Fest that profits only a small number of greater Vernon folks.
If business needs it, let business build it.
Perhaps the more barbaric aspect of this primitive concept is that some expect the rest of us to finance the realization of their utterly hedonistic fantasies.
Our local hospital needs funding to better meet the medical needs of the community but some of our local public servants prefer parking lots and regulation football fields, and art galleries. Last summer, while shopping at London Drugs, I noticed an elderly man sleeping behind the mailbox by the door. A few minutes later a RCMP member moved him out. I don’t know the fellow’s circumstances but I know his well being is more important than a bicycle skills park.
Our elected council members must embrace the reality that they are public servants - people who choose to serve rather than to pander to the unrealistic wants adherents. The philosophy that the only three important people on earth are Me, Myself, and I is monstrous.
Tyranny takes many forms and ignoring the needs of the people is one. Way back in American history, Patrick Henry, in speaking about England’s tyranny towards the colonies, said, “ Give me liberty or give me death!”
When I consider the Vernon scene and especially now that we need a new Civic Centre, might it now be rephrased as, “Give me lipperty AND give me debt?”
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