Apparently "The majority of those attending understood and accepted the rationale for tax increase...". Perhaps so, but a ten minute review of the budget does not give much time for anyone to fully understand and assess the intricacies of the budget and its affects on the family budget. The magnitude of the increases will not hit home until the bill arrives, especially for those whose assessment jumped 25-35%.
In addition to tax increases we must look at increases in fees. We don't know yet the magnitude of water rate increases but we probably get a 5% increase. That present will come from Greater Vernon Water (of which our Mayor is chair).
The sewer increase is well documented in the budget. Since we had "too much money" in the sewer reserve previous Council graciously relieved us of the burden to the tune of $667,060 leaving a meager reserve of $92,417. These funds helped out the developers of Coldstream Meadows so that they would have a lighter load when connecting to the sewer system.
In the late 1990's Trintec Enterprises developed a subdivision off Sarsons Road (Inverness Drive). The entire cost of extending the sewer system to 15th Street, constructing a holding storage and lift stations was the responsibility of the developer. Why were the requirements for this development different?
This year an additional sum of $264,000 was spent to further lighten the load of Coldstream Meadows by buying out the latecomer fees. Nice gesture! Who pays for this gesture? We, sewer customers do.
The consequences are showing up in the present sewer budget. The rich customers of the existing sewer system will now pay 5.2% ($568 compared to last year's $540) more than last year for their sewer fees.
Those r
esidents along the route of the new sewer line are also un
happy with the additional annual tax load of $97 just for the privilege of residing along the line even though they don't have to connect. They should be happy, at least they are not burdened with the $568 user fee. Incidentally, those taxes are parcel taxes. When Council deliberated on financing options for the Fire Halls they decided that parcel taxes were unfair and opted for using the general taxation option based on property values. Why is it unfair for the Fire Hall but fair for the sewer line?
As the Director of Finance said: "To date ... the District has not received any letters of opposition to the budget therefore it is anticipated to be adopted in its original form." If everyone is happy with the tax and fee increases then no action is necessary. However, if you feel that a nearly 10% tax increase and escalating fee increases are not helping your personal budget then you should let Council know about it! You can only be heard if you speak up!
In addition to tax increases we must look at increases in fees. We don't know yet the magnitude of water rate increases but we probably get a 5% increase. That present will come from Greater Vernon Water (of which our Mayor is chair).
The sewer increase is well documented in the budget. Since we had "too much money" in the sewer reserve previous Council graciously relieved us of the burden to the tune of $667,060 leaving a meager reserve of $92,417. These funds helped out the developers of Coldstream Meadows so that they would have a lighter load when connecting to the sewer system.
In the late 1990's Trintec Enterprises developed a subdivision off Sarsons Road (Inverness Drive). The entire cost of extending the sewer system to 15th Street, constructing a holding storage and lift stations was the responsibility of the developer. Why were the requirements for this development different?
This year an additional sum of $264,000 was spent to further lighten the load of Coldstream Meadows by buying out the latecomer fees. Nice gesture! Who pays for this gesture? We, sewer customers do.
The consequences are showing up in the present sewer budget. The rich customers of the existing sewer system will now pay 5.2% ($568 compared to last year's $540) more than last year for their sewer fees.
Those r

As the Director of Finance said: "To date ... the District has not received any letters of opposition to the budget therefore it is anticipated to be adopted in its original form." If everyone is happy with the tax and fee increases then no action is necessary. However, if you feel that a nearly 10% tax increase and escalating fee increases are not helping your personal budget then you should let Council know about it! You can only be heard if you speak up!
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