Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Readers write -- So you think you are Conservative?

It should come as no surprise that in the aggregate Coldsreamers are socially and politically “conservative”. So what does this label actually imply? Straightforwardly it means to conserve or preserve something of value, typically it applies to the conservation of traditional values, customs and institutions. Moreover it implies the maintenance of the status quo [the established order], a strong resistance to change or to novel reforms. A conservative person typically defends private property, individual rights and freedoms and tends to resist excessive governmental intrusion or permissive social norms. So a conservative is essentially a defensive individual.

Now lets examine some of the psychological traits considered typical of conservative minded individuals. It's very revealing and should give pause for some serious self examination. Research has shown that politically conservative people tend to be fearful, dislike ambiguity, avoid uncertainty, shun novel experiences, are desirous social acceptance, prefer living in hierarchical class structures, fear loss of social status, defer to legal authority [law bidding], defer to religious orthodoxy and are inclined to racist, homophobic and sexist prejudices [hostility to disadvantaged groups]. Ouch! Conservatives seem to be very insecure people and generally feel threatened by more liberal or socialist minded people. Conservative politicians spread fear in order to rally insecure people to their proffered protection. This is hardly an inspiring psychological portrait, is it? Perhaps conservative minded people are in need of some reassuring psychotherapy.

Don't be discouraged, conservatism does have some survival value. Every society is polarized between disadvantaged people who wish to better their circumstances by seeking to change the existing social order and those who are comfortable with the way things are and thus resist change. In good times most people are conservative but in times of distress and scarcity, the population shifts toward adaptation by means of progressive change or reform. People feel no need to try new social experiments to mitigate social and economic injustices when most feel relatively well off, so there is no need to make drastic changes to their lifestyle just because some in the population are disadvantaged as it may endanger their own well being. So much for 'Christian' virtues when comforts are at risk.

That's why Coldstream is dominantly conservative, most people feel secure for the time being, they are comfortable and feel no need to make significant changes to local governance. They can afford higher taxes, they don't mind an influx of newcomers even if it's crowding, or new housing developments, or increased congestion and pollution, or more water restrictions, or the chief clerk setting the civic agenda, or large land owners subdividing their properties and bringing sewer in at the expense of others, etc. However, they do draw the line when council and GVAC want to build stadiums at the expense of the ALR or build expensive lake front parking lots for out of town boaters or dismiss the volunteer fire chief. On balance, life is good here in Coldstream, no need to bring in a new bunch of liberal minded reformers or nay sayers like the CRA to upset the delicate but comfortable balance. So what if a few people benefit from the established order more than others, no need to throw out the baby with the bathwater. Three cheers to city hall and our vote of confidence to Corner, Taylor, Malerby, Dirk and Williams for their wise council and to Wendy Kay for running the good ship 'Coldstream' through dark waters to a safe harbor at some unknown port of call ! Hurray to Colin Mayes and Steven Harper for preserving us from those who might push us off our comfortable perches. We can all feel safe in your capable and protecting hands!

Peter Peto


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Gyula Kiss


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I have been a resident of Coldstream since 1976. I have had 15 years of experience on Council, 3 years as Mayor. As a current Councillor I am working to achieve fair water and sewer rates and to ensure that taxpayers get fair treatment. The current direction regarding water supply is unsustainable and I am doing all I can to get the most cost effective water supply possible.