The opinions expressed by "Coldstreamer" are strictly his own and do not represent the opinions of Coldstream Council!
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Gyula Kiss
1 comment:
Why doesn't Coldstream pursue a Hotel or Motel possibly where Dutch's Campground is. I don' t think air bnb's and bed and breakfast are fair to all the residents who bought in Coldstream for quiet rural living. I currently live next to a "vacation rental" property and have to put up with extra traffic in our quiet cul de sac coming and going all day on their vacation and tenants parking on the road and impeding the proper snow removal in our neighborhood. If we do allow suites,air bnb's and bed and breakfast houses to do business will they be taxed at a higher rate as they have more people using our facilities? Many of these people operate these enterprises under the table and already do not pay tax on their income. If Coldstream does start legalizing suites and other facilities are they going to insist that these money making operations have off street parking so as not to inconvience their neighbors?
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