The opinions expressed by "Coldstreamer" are strictly his own and do not represent the opinions of Coldstream Council!
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Gyula Kiss
Excellent presentations Gyula, and Maria ......I am better informed and am firmly in the NO camp.
An interesting article on the Vernon Blog by Charlotte Helston seems to reflect the scare tactics being used by RDNO to push voters into supporting this ridiculous plan. Helston states, "One of the biggest upgrades needed is a filtration system at the Duteau Creek Treatment Plant. Without it, water borne illnesses like Beaver fever (giardiasis) and long term health affects from the consumption of aluminum and other materials remain an issue". If we risk Beaver fever or aluminum poisoning without filtration then why did RDNO state the water was fine to drink before the IHA mandate?? My understanding is that ultraviolet treatment , like the treatment given Kal water (Mission Hill Treatment plant) , kills giardiasis. As for aluminum, with associations to diseases like Parkinson's and particularly Alzheimers, comes from the poly aluminum chloride that is used, at great expense, to take the organic brown colour out of the Duteau water. With filtration, the aluminum (artificially introduced by us ) is reduced, but still remains twice as high as the RAW quality of Kal Lake water. It is pretty obvious what water source should be used for domestic consumption. Count me in as a big NO. So much for trust in our choice of politicians.
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