Media Release: for immediate release
Vernon, November 28th, 2012

The BC government released a draft management plan for wolves on November 14th that includes wolf kill contests and prizes for biggest kills. The plan has brought a flurry of complaints from Conservation Groups and concerned citizens. "British Columbia need to stop killing wolves and start protecting one of the last functioning predator-prey ecosystems in the world" according to wolf advocate Sadie Parr, who will speak in Vernon on Wednesday December 5th, on the role that wolves play in BC's ecosystems.
Parr has been invited by Jungyon Drake, a local conservationist. Drake believes that conservation scientist Chris Darimont from the University of Victoria is right when he says that this is giving hunters a bad name: "this is not about putting food on the table, this is about feeding the egos of small men with big guns". Drake explains that the BC government's plan is about the worst thing it could be doing because "taking out big dominant wolves in a pack leaves a bunch of disorganized teenagers who lack the skills to organize successful hunts, so they either starve or prey on livestock."
"The BC government wants to kill wolves for sport, to appease ranchers, and to save the caribou although 10 years of wolf sterilization has done nothing to increase the number of caribou. Many wolf biologists argue that wolves benefits the wider ecosystems, and have advised that the solution to saving caribou is to stop large scale deforestation and protect wild habitat. “The biggest threat to caribou and wolves, is habitat loss and fragmentation. It’s horrific we have to fight our own government to save the environment.” says Parr.
"The BC governments’ draft proposal brings us back to a time of fear-mongering." says Drake. "We invite everyone who believes in preserving BC's ecosystems and protecting wild animals from this bloodshed to attend Sadie Parr's talk so we can better understand how to help stop this madness."
Sadie Parr will speak at Vernon's Trinity Untied Church, 3300 Alexis Park Drive, on Wednesday December 5th, at 1 PM. Entrance is by donation.
for more information: Jungyon Drake
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