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The opinions expressed by "Coldstreamer" are strictly his own and do not represent the opinions of Coldstream Council!
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Gyula Kiss;
About Me
- Coldstreamer
- I have been a resident of Coldstream since 1976. I have had 15 years of experience on Council, 3 years as Mayor. As a current Councillor I am working to achieve fair water and sewer rates and to ensure that taxpayers get fair treatment. The current direction regarding water supply is unsustainable and I am doing all I can to get the most cost effective water supply possible.
In regards to the letter complaining about the boat launch......cry me a river! It is NOT THAT BAD! What the writer is describing is a total exageration
the writer comments that perhaps it is time to survey what the residents want instead of just the boaters. There was a Kalavista survey just done of the residents plus thet have a committee that meets with the mayor and coldstream staff every month for the last couple of years.Boaters have never had this luxury,where are these people coming up with their facts? The survey was put together by coldstream staff and this committee. It turns out that 77% of people in that neighborhood support the launch and 68% own a boat. The reason why the committee never brings this survey up is because it didn't turn out the way they wanted. It is time to stop letting the neighbors around the launch have all the say...they chose to live near a lake and a boat launch so get on with life and quit whinning all the time!
You are incorrect: the survey indicates that the neighbourhood wishes to have the boat lunch open but not to the extent that it would make the enjoyment of their properties impossible. Read the next article from a reader.
Dear anon: you have contradicted yourself: you state that 77% of people in the Kalavista neighbourhood support the launch and 68% own a boat. Then you note that the survey did not turn out the way they wanted and they should not have all the say.
You contradict yourself, which is it?
According to the Oxford Dictionary, one who is said to whine is making a "petty complaint". I hardly think the experience of an entire neighbourhood can be fairly categorized as petty.
I only meant that the Kalavista Committee itself does not refer to the study and obviously does not represent the majority of the neighbors in that area. People there have a choice to move to a quiter area or put up with a little inconvience in the summer months. Everyone is entitled to use and enjoy the lake not just lakeside owners.
Obviously, the boats that use the parking lo are mobile. Would it not be simpler if those boats moved to another place to launch instead of requiring owners of properties around the boat launch to move? That sounds to me like common sense. Perhaps that's the problem!
Is it possible to see what questions were asked in the survey? I am just wondering, as surveys can be made to get the desired answers, and depending on how its worded can be very decieveing
Contact the Municipal office and ask for a copy.
re noise bylaws this section covers all noise disturbances:
(f) No person shall operate a motor boat so as to cause noise which disturbs the peace, rest, enjoyment, comfort or convenience of the neighbourhood or of persons in the vicinity.
Currently there are few options of where to launch your boat . Kekuli is a steep slippery and usually full launch with a dangerous entrance and exit onto a highway well documented for fatalities. I am not suggesting that things are perfect at the Kalavista launch but unfortunately due to poor planning that is what we are stuck with. We should look at continually trying to improve things at this launch so that both residents and boaters needs are better met. Unfortunately this is a very busy area both on and off the lake in the summer. I only suggest that some residents may want to rethink were they have choosen to live rather than trying to change what has been a big part of the Okanagan summer experience for many years. Except for a couple summer months this area and the lake are very quiet. We live in one of the boating capitals of Canada and this will probably not change. Everone of us puts up with increased noise and traffic in the summer months...we are a tourist destination and many people chose to move here because of the lakes and the recreational enjoyment they provide.
section f of the noise bylaw would apply to open exhaust and possibly stereos being played to loud. The average person out boating should not be considered noise... if so lets get rid of cars,motorbikes,barking dogs,etc.
One should not expect that a busy lake in the Okanagan will be completely quiet. Once again we are probably looking at a poor real estate decision to live near a lake and expect evryone to be quiet for your sake...shame on you selfish people
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