
All that smoke over the summer must have affected our judgement with regards to "fresh air".
Let me explain.
1. Eliminate GVAC, give Vernon total control over water and parks. We can trust them, they don't always vote in a block. Murphy's Law comes to mind.
"With three representatives, Vernon would have the most votes, and that has created some concern.“Based on population, Vernon would take it every time,” said Mike Macnabb, BX-Silver Star director. Lippert disagrees with that view. “The city representatives have been known on numerous occasions not to vote together,” he said."
2. Hobby farms. How many hobby farms are there to justify Vernon's claim of over $3 million subsidy to Coldstream and the Electoral Areas? To arrive at the $3 million all agricultural use is considered hobby farm by Vernon. I have seen no attempt to explain from where that subsidy figure came. If the City truly supports "true agriculture" then the $3 million plus subsidy is a myth.
3. Facts must be the guiding light in negotiations not "entrenched views".
Still waiting for something less than an ultimatum!
3. Facts must be the guiding light in negotiations not "entrenched views".
"I say that because some of Garlick’s councillors have entrenched views about regional issues. Animosity towards Vernon also lies just below the surface, and some of them were featured players in previous disputes between the municipalities.It will be Garlick’s job to lead his council to a position of comfort — where the interests of Coldstream and all water users are addressed."4. In spite of the offer to negotiate the City continues with the arbitration process belying the stated "good will negotiations". As Mayor Lippert stated "to keep Electoral Areas' and Coldstream's politicians' feet to the fire". That does not generate much trust. Every note our lawyers send us, every response we make cost the taxpayers money. The same is true for the other participants. Every time the Arbitrator reads a submission and makes a determination the cash flows.
Still waiting for something less than an ultimatum!
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