Let's refresh our memories of what was achieved by this memorable service according to the latest information presented:
A new balancing reservoir was built on the East Hill (McMechan Reservoir) - cost: $4.5 million;Judge for yourself how much benefit you received from the actions of GVW besides the privilege of paying .
A new water treatment plant was built on Reservoir Road for about $6.0 million;
The Kalamalka Lake Pump Station was upgraded for about $0.7 million;
A new sewer line was built to the Rise and Bella Vista for about $4.0 million
Preliminary work on Duteau Creek Water Treatment Plant about $2.0 million.

We found some extra money!!!!
Despite the passionate claims of Councillor Malerby, that Council has turned every stone and could not find ways of reducing the proposed tax increases a further check revealed that indeed there were some cash hidden in the cracks and crannies.
Despite the passionate claims of Councillor Malerby, that Council has turned every stone and could not find ways of reducing the proposed tax increases a further check revealed that indeed there were some cash hidden in the cracks and crannies.
We may wonder if these extra funds would have been discovered had the Ratepayers Association not raised the issue repeatedly. We may never know but the lingering possibility remains!
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