Mr. Richard Rolke (click on Richard for link) states that “...the proposal for a sports complex on agricultural land was controversial, but it was strictly a one-issue vote. An election for mayor and council is significantly more important.”
I beg to differ. The issue is much more complex.
As the Chair of Greater Vernon Services Mayor Corner approved the application sent to the Agricultural Land Commission requesting the change of use of the property in question in May, 2006 (click on letter). Fortunately, the ALC reminded GVS that it was Coldstream’s jurisdiction and GVS had no standing (letter 2). Had the ALC replied favourably the issue would have been closed without Coldstream residents ever having a say in the matter.
That is a serious breach of trust and not the action Coldstream residents expect from their Mayor. In light of Mayor Corner’s action it is questionable that he should be Council’s representative on NORD and GVS. His credibility suffered greatly. That position should be held by someone more trustworthy and in touch with the electorate.
Mr. Rolke states: “As the results rolled in Saturday, a member of the no camp was heard to say, ‘We’re a force to be reckoned with’.”
In fact the electorate has always been a force to be reckoned with. They have the power to elect representatives without ulterior motives and secret agendas. They just have to be informed of issues which are of great importance to all of us. It is time “...to challenge the status quo and what they see as the old-boys’ network in Coldstream.”
Mayor Corner forgot that his election victory was a very narrow one and he should have been more aware that his hold on power was very tenuous. If Councillor Garlic would consider running for the top job he would have little difficulty succeeding and he would make an excellent Mayor. He works hard and he has put his job on the line during this referendum campaign. He deserves a tremendous round of applause as do the other two Councillors supporting Coldstream’s values.
As for the statement: “...a year is forever in politics and I wouldn’t rule Corner out for a second term because the public’s memory is often short.”
Memories can be resuscitated. We now have an alternate news source (in fact two) and do not have to rely completely on the traditional news media for information. Through the wonders of technology we’ll keep our electorate informed and keep reminding them of past unfulfilled promises.
We have not forgotten the “Master Water Plan” (what an oxymoron!) with its ever increasing water rates and never materialized water improvements.
We’ll keep reminding taxpayers how our Sewer Reserves and Sewer Operating Funds were ravaged for the benefit of mainly one developer and how Council is trying to replenish the spent funds by constantly increasing the sewer rates. We’ll inform sewer customers how unfair the billing system is and how difficult it is to convince Council and the Administration to right a wrong.
We intend to continue our vigilance with the hope that this will help in electing responsive and responsible Councils in the future for the benefit of all residents of Coldstream.
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