Written by Peter McIntyre Wednesday, 29 January 2014 12:0

The Greater Vernon Governance Society issued a news release today, saying it had asked BC's Community Minister to review Coldstream council's conduct, accusing the elected reps of having a "predetermined decision" and personal biases against a study looking into the pros and cons of unification or amalgamation (see details below).
Vernon-Monashee MLA Eric Foster spoke with senior government reps from that ministry about the request today.
"The opinion is the Coldstream council didn't do anything in contravention to the Local Government Act, so that's the end of the conversation for us," says Foster.
Foster says if Coldstream had done something contrary to the act, there could have been a discussion, but he says that doesn't appear to be the case.
On Tuesday, Foster said the province won't be funding a study into the governance issue, as requested by Vernon council and the governance society, unless all jurisdictions want one.
Coldstream and the electoral area directors have already rejected taking part in a study. (see more)
what part of NO don't they understand?
"Shadowy figures are lingering..."
Letter to Editor re Rolke's article Jan 29/14
Don Cherry for NHL Commissioner
This type of local government is the least efficient model in existence, I'm sure. Everything that happens has to go through two sets of approvals, which means that most things that need to happen DON'T happen.
By eliminating RDNO, the taxpayers in this area would enjoy significant tax savings long-term because there would no longer be TWO of everything. And, it would be much more efficient and forward-moving as soon as the little kings that sit in the Director's chairs are deprived their kingdoms, which they will claw and scratch to save.
The Province gave the the City of Vernon the option to finance the study on its own, and I think they should do just that - do the study, remove the RDNO input from the equation, and get the consolidated results it needs to move forward. Because at the end of the day, if the City of Vernon wants to absorb the outlying districts, the RDNO will have no say in it. At that point it is solely between the City and the Province, and there currently is, on paper and registered with the Province, an Ultimate Vernon City Boundary which incorporates all of the districts the Directors are currently mismanaging.
Shadowy figures...
Oh, blah, blah, blah. The truth is beginning to seep out. They want to eliminate the controls & rules they have to follow. This stinks of self serving regulation bypassing, get my project shoved through my pals, full steam ahead with subdividing, rezoning etc. Who do they think they are fooling anyway besides a few sheep.
As the previous person said: What part of NO don't they understand. Coldstream is an incorporated municipality not 'an area' and besides the two 'areas' have said go whistle too
Coldstream is a small community and is greatly affected by special interest groups because of their size. If the Ratepayers Association doesn't want something done it most likely won't happen. This one group claims to represent the Coldstream taxpayer so why listen to the other 800 that signed the petition. Of course council would claim that the majority doesn't want a study(although they seem to love studies) their very jobs are at stake! It is foolish for any group or person to think they can affect change in this community if they don't belong to the Ratepayers Association. I have decided to sit back and enjoy this beautiful community and accept that things will not change unless the Ratepayers want it changed!
This last anonymous comment made my day. If this individual wants change then go to the polls in November and make the change...it's called democracy. I dislike "amalgamation" because it makes no economic sense , nor has it in most jurisdictions where applied (especially where rural combines with urban). The "Ratepayers", whoever they are, didn't tell me that, but I sure like politicians who support my view.
Yes, 8:37 am let them go to the polls.
I'm not holding my breath waiting for the business interests who embrace homogenization, and would deny Coldstreamers choice, to be up front and support the panacea of all ills: amalgamation with beaming pride.
I suspect that they won't, achieving amalgamation would be like winning a rich lottery for the high-end players, and of course, they don't want to appear too greedy. It would offend the hicks in the sticks.
Our family spends almost 100% of our disposable income purchasing products and services in Vernon, and I would prefer to know that I am supporting a business that is not trying to undermine my way of life.
6:51 am:
"Coldstream is a small community and is greatly affected by special interest groups because of their size.If the Ratepayers Association doesn't want something done it most likely won't happen "
There is a reason the Ratepayers prevail: they have moral authority behind them. You can never go wrong when your intentions are pure.
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."
Margaret Mead
Remember why the Ratepayers Association was formed?
A little digging will show that very "special" interests tried to push their dystopian urban vision on Coldstreamers, and we pushed back.
I am not saying the Ratepayers are wrong. Kudos for them for standing up for their vision of Coldstream. All I meant was that Coldstream council does not seem to take into consideration the views of any group that may not support their view of Coldstream. As far as having moral authority and pure intentions I am sure others would say that their different vision was also moral and driven by pure intentions. My main point was that the current Coldstream council which had the Ratepayers behind most of them in the last couple elections seems unwilling to listen to the wants of all but a small but powerful minority that think they have the best vision for the area. They very well may have the best vision and intentions but a true democracy will still consider the views of others. Democracy does not exist in Coldstream within the current ruling party. Their way or the highway seems to prevail. The next election will do nothing to change this imbalance as the current council supported by the Ratepayers have a well oiled machine that will not be defeated. The current council and their vision may truly be what is best for Coldstream in the long run but it would just be nice if everyone was made to feel like they have a say in our communities future direction
Anonymous 9:52 PM
You do have a say in your community's future direction. You can express your opinion at open houses, Council meetings, OPC reviews and finally, at election time when you can vote for candidates of your choice. All taxpayers have those choices and their collective decision determine who will make decisions on their behalf.
I am amused when I see comments that refer to Coldstream Council as if it were a collective entity, in some sort of conspiratorial sense, plotting moves with the CRA. There are many decisions that are made with near equal splits, and many times single/double votes of dissent. You need 4 people to agree to move something forward and a seconder to even get something on the table, and that doesn't always happen. I have attended enough meetings and read enough minutes to see a good democracy in action. I was surprised to see unanimity on the "amalgamation" issue......perhaps all councillors assessed it as a minority interest in the community, and are prepared to allow an election to test that assessment.
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