12 April 2011 -
A group of about 30 people gathered on the steps of Vernon's courthouse yesterday to hear Greig Crockett, Green party candidate, speak out against the exclusion of Elizabeth May and demand democratic debates. Crockett was joined by Vernon's well known actor Christine Pilgrim, who specializes in history based theatre, impersonated Elizabeth May, as she was being silenced by faceless media moguls.
"One million Canadians deserve to have a voice" claimed Crockett. "Elizabeth May represents values Canadians deserve to hear and solutions that work. Excluding her means there will be no debate on Climate Change or on corporate media concentration and how it damages our democracy. Excluding Elizabeth May from televised debates means that Canadians will now only hear what the major parties want them to hear, not the fresh ideas supported by more and more Canadians."
Crockett was joined by supporters of all ages holding signs demanding to have Elizabeth heard. "Elizabeth May is the clear voice of reason in a political world that is ignoring serious issues at its own peril" added Crockett. "Excluding her from debates means silencing all Canadians who want to see a real alternative to the Conservative."
For more information please contact:
Greig Crockett, candidate, Okanagan Shuswap Green Party
Huguette Allen
press secretary
and if Canadians feel she is the "clear choice" the Green Party will get some seats, obviously not enough Canadians think that way right now...
When someone is silenced before they are heard it is rather hard to determine who is clear and who is trying to tyranize freedom. I would like to hear this woman in the Green Party because what I am hearing from those allowed to speak is a bunch of back stabbing jibberish and has nothing to do with anything that I am interested in. Radical change ... clarity... and above all equality... seats? you can't even leave your name because you don't have the clarity of a clear conscience. But I do... Sazacha Red Sky
We enjoy expressing our political will through the private ballot at election time. Imagine democracy without it?
This forum allows free comment for those, who for whatever reason are not free to do so. We are all entitled to our opinion, and are similarly free to respectfully challenge comments that may offend that opinion.
Anyone can sign any name to lend credibilty to their statement.
Pollsters are employed by political parties and the media alike. Yet lists of those polled are not offered as proof of their credibility. They must been relevant or good money would not be spent on them.
More than one person shares my name, check the White Pages, this is true for several people. The only way to truly identify someone is to require a verifiable address.
Nobody is being silenced, all the global warming alarmists have the chance to vote Green on May 2. If it is truly a huge worry for Canadians she will get in no problem. Then next election it could be the conservatives that have no seats and no place at the debate.
And it might be me being a little conservative but I dont like leaving my name on the internet for strangers....
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