There appears to be some misconception about the CRA. Some people seem suspicious about the aims of the organization. Let me shed some light on the history and the purpose of CRA.
Everyone living in Coldstream is a Coldstream ratepayer by definition as they pay taxes directly or indirectly to the Municipality. Everyone can attend our general meetings and participate but only members can vote. Members also elect the executive. Attached are the Goals and Objectives of the CRA, a message from the first president of the CRA in connection with a survey of Coldstream residents in 2005 and a downloadable application form for those wishing to join.
Why have an organization?
From time to time there are contentious issues that come up in local government business. Recent examples are the Coldstream Meadows’ re-zoning, the Vernon counter petition drive and the present sports complex proposal.
The Coldstream Meadows issue was lost as we did not yet have the organization that could have been effective. There were some concessions from Council but basically the developer got almost anything he asked for. The Campus of Care ended up as a walled subdivision at “modest prices” (see attached ad from Coldstream Meadows).
The Vernon and District Taxpayers Association carried out a successful campaign in forcing Vernon Council to re-evaluate their plans for the Library/Civic Complex. Their beef was not the borrowing so much as the process that tried to circumvent input from the general public.
CRA provides a forum where these concerns can be expressed and carried forward to the politicians. CRA has the organization with networking and initial funding capabilities and has the ability to research any given issue. The public response to the proposed sports complex was possible due to the ability of the CRA to mobilize citizens opposed to the change of use of the prime agricultural land. Through this Blog people can contribute their own opinions and personal research results. CRA provides an opportunity for taxpayers to get involved in their community on an ongoing basis and have a more balanced idea of what is happening in the community.
Anyone wishing to join the organization may do so by downloading and completing the membership application along with the dues indicated.
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