Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Monday, May 30, 2011
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Anti HST Town Hall Meeting.
Over a hundred people attended the Anti HST Town Hall Meeting at the Schubert Centre this afternoon in Vernon. Chris Delaney and Bill Vander Zalm provided an interesting review of the reasons why people should vote YES at the upcoming referendum in order to extinguish the HST. The crowd appeared to favour the extinguishing of the HST. The attached pamphlet is for your perusal and you are encouraged by the presenters to share the information with your friends and neighbours. If you are interested there are lawn signs and posters available from Rod Bazew and the rest of the local organizers.
An excerpt of the Penticton presentation of the same presenters can be found at Fight the HST.
Friday, May 27, 2011
Anti HST Town Hall Meeting

Bill Vander Zalm & Chris Delaney at Schubert Centre (Kiss FM file photo)
Posted by Don Quixote at 5/27/2011 0 comments
Labels: HST, Prov. Govt, RECALL
Thursday, May 26, 2011
A meeting that was not!
News report:
Unfortunately, the meeting resolved nothing: neither Vernon's representative nor her alternate showed up for the meeting. Everyone else was there waiting. The meeting adjourned 45 minutes after it started. I suppose it could be classified as wasting of time and money to which Mayor Lippert was referring in the above report. Oh well, better luck next time!
Greater Vernon Politicians Meet Once More Over Parks And Rec
Kate Bouey
It's back to the drawing board for Greater Vernon politicians Thursday as they begin a new round of mediated talks on Parks and Recreation. The function is currently handled through the North Okanagan Regional District but local governments want greater control. Vernon Mayor Wayne Lippert says he's disappointed the review is starting all over again. ``It's unfortunate,'' says Lippert. ``I really do think they're wasting alot of time and money.'' Meanwhile, Vernon city council has voted to join Armstrong and get out of the economic development function operated by NORD. It issues grants. Lippert says it's an area which would be better served through an intermunicipal agreement. Lippert points to similar agreements on emergency planning and suggests the fire training centre function, currently under review, might benefit from similar treatment
GVAC meeting cancellation
Date: | Thursday, June 2, 2011 |
Time: | 8:00 a.m. |
Place: | Board Room Regional District of North Okanagan 9848 Aberdeen Road, Coldstream, BC |
The next Regular meeting of the Greater Vernon Advisory Committee is scheduled for Thursday, July 7, 2011, 8:00 a.m., Board Room, Regional District of North Okanagan, 9848 Aberdeen Road, Coldstream, BC.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Readers write -- Sovereign Park.
Coldstream Council has asked for input regarding changing the name of Coldstream Centennial Park to Sovereign Park.
Please encourage them to make this change, just a simple statement such as: "Please change the name of Coldstream Centennial Park to Sovereign Park."
You can do this by: email - info@districtofcoldstream.ca or mail or drop off at 9901 Kalamalka Road, Coldstream, V1B 1L6
Thank you so much!
Monday, May 23, 2011
Iceland volcano: European airlines on watch for flight disruptions
By Jane Engle Los Angeles Times Staff Writer
May 23, 2011, 9:24 a.m.
This is a good time to keep in touch with your airline if you plan to fly in the next few days to Europe because there is a chance that ash from the huge volcanic eruption in Iceland over the weekend could delay or even cancel your flight.
Even as Iceland’s main airport prepared to possibly reopen Monday, Europe was on watch for potential flight disruptions as the ash cloud drifted toward the Continent.
"There is a strong possibility that parts of the ash cloud may impact parts of Scotland and Ireland in the coming 24 hours"" Eurocontrol, the European air traffic management agency, said on its website Monday, citing reports from the Volcanic Ash Advisory Centre in London. "Due to unstable meteorological conditions, it is not possible to identify with certainty the movements of the ash cloud beyond that time frame."
Last year, hundreds of flights were canceled and thousands of passengers were stranded when ash from another Iceland volcano, Eyjafjallajokull, spread over Europe, forcing aircraft to be grounded. Such a widespread closure is not generally expected in the aftermath of the weekend’s eruption.
In a notice on its website Monday, Icelandair airline said Keflavík International Airport (KEF), which serves Reykjavik, the capital, was expected to reopen at 6 p.m. local time Monday after being shut by volcanic ash. The airport’s website did not indicate its plans.
Icelandair has been offering to refund fares of passengers affected by the airport closure or to allow them to reschedule their flights. It cautioned callers Monday that they may face long wait times due to a high volume of calls.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Response to Letter to the Editor: Ranch history by Doug MacGregor.
The following letter to the Editor appeared in the May 20, 2011 Morning Star:
Ranch history
Vernon Morning Star
Published: May 20, 2011 1:00 AM
The folks in Coldstream are so lucky to have someone so informed and knowledgeable as Mr. Kiss sitting on their council. His statement to the council that we have our own ranch here in Coldstream shows the depth of his understanding and knowledge of our local heritage.
I would also assume it portrays his vision of the need to support this and other community projects.
To compare the O'Keefe Heritage Ranch operations to the Coldstream Ranch would in my opinion show his ignorance in understanding the problems encountered by the O'Keefe heritage ranch.
For your information Mr. Kiss the Coldstream Ranch, as most of us know, is a private enterprise that makes an income from ranching, logging, gravel sales etc.
I am sure Ted Osborne has no intention of asking Coldstream council for money to keep the Coldstream Ranch afloat.
The O'Keefe Ranch is a heritage museum with dedicated volunteers and staff, that are trying to preserve and maintain our heritage buildings and in doing so they try to keep us and our children connected to our past and a way of life experienced by our pioneering citizens
It would appear Mr. Kiss has very little knowledge of the history of the ranch and its important role in the building of this great province and the community he lives in.
With his fixation on water issues I am also surprised Mr. Kiss wasn't on board to help the O'Keefe Ranch with its water connection.
I am not sure the citizens of Coldstream will be as proud of their council's $600 contribution to the ranch as the council members seems to be.
Thanks again for the contribution Coldstream Council.
For your generous contribution, the ranch may want to give you a free day pass so that you would be able to go out and see what is being done on your behalf to preserve our heritage treasure.
Should that not happen, and knowing the budget constraints you must be encountering, I will gladly support the purchase of a day pass for you.
I am sure the citizens and businesses of Coldstream will be a lot more supportive of the O'Keefe Ranch than the existing council.
Doug MacGregor
Vernon Morning Star
Published: May 20, 2011 1:00 AM
The folks in Coldstream are so lucky to have someone so informed and knowledgeable as Mr. Kiss sitting on their council. His statement to the council that we have our own ranch here in Coldstream shows the depth of his understanding and knowledge of our local heritage.
I would also assume it portrays his vision of the need to support this and other community projects.
To compare the O'Keefe Heritage Ranch operations to the Coldstream Ranch would in my opinion show his ignorance in understanding the problems encountered by the O'Keefe heritage ranch.
For your information Mr. Kiss the Coldstream Ranch, as most of us know, is a private enterprise that makes an income from ranching, logging, gravel sales etc.
I am sure Ted Osborne has no intention of asking Coldstream council for money to keep the Coldstream Ranch afloat.
The O'Keefe Ranch is a heritage museum with dedicated volunteers and staff, that are trying to preserve and maintain our heritage buildings and in doing so they try to keep us and our children connected to our past and a way of life experienced by our pioneering citizens
It would appear Mr. Kiss has very little knowledge of the history of the ranch and its important role in the building of this great province and the community he lives in.
With his fixation on water issues I am also surprised Mr. Kiss wasn't on board to help the O'Keefe Ranch with its water connection.
I am not sure the citizens of Coldstream will be as proud of their council's $600 contribution to the ranch as the council members seems to be.
Thanks again for the contribution Coldstream Council.
For your generous contribution, the ranch may want to give you a free day pass so that you would be able to go out and see what is being done on your behalf to preserve our heritage treasure.
Should that not happen, and knowing the budget constraints you must be encountering, I will gladly support the purchase of a day pass for you.
I am sure the citizens and businesses of Coldstream will be a lot more supportive of the O'Keefe Ranch than the existing council.
Doug MacGregor
Since Mr MacGregor is a Coldstream resident and his information seems to be incomplete I feel compelled to clarify my position. My response follows:
Thank you, Mr MacGregor, for your compliments and for recognizing my contribution to the taxpayers of Coldstream. I do consider my options carefully when it comes to spending my constituents’ hard earned dollars. I have taken an oath to faithfully manage the finances of Coldstream’s taxpayers.
In fact, Coldstream Ranch has just as long a history as does O’Keefe Ranch. Both of the Ranches are of historic value. As for operations I have never considered them comparable. Coldstream Ranch is privately owned and operated by a Coldstream resident at a profit, while O’Keefe Ranch is owned by the City of Vernon and operated by a volunteer Board. Their business plan does not seem to include profitability even though it is operated as a business. Coldstream Ranch pays taxes to Coldstream, using those taxes to bail out Vernon owned O’Keefe Ranch does not seem to be compatible with my oath of office.
As for Mr Ted Osborn, he is not going to request money from Council on behalf of the Ranch as he does not own nor does he manage Coldstream Ranch.
While Coldstream Ranch is not declared a heritage ranch, in the past Coldstream Days were conducted on the ranch. There were exhibits demonstrating the past history of the ranch and hundreds of people took advantage of the festivities. They learned the history and enjoyed demonstrations of present day activities. I assume Mr MacGregor is aware of those past events.
I believe the fact that GVAC approved the connection of O’Keefe Ranch to GVW was a significant gift to the Ranch as it is outside the boundaries of the Water Utility.
The $600 contribution by Council, which I did not support, was indeed generous considering that it was the sum total left in the 2011 grant budget. The grant application was submitted by O’Keefe Ranch late and after our budget was finalized. I am hoping most Coldstream residents appreciate the fact that I try to keep their taxes at a reasonable level. If they can afford contributions to O’‘Keefe Ranch they are free to do so privately and individually.
I must decline your “generous offer” of a day pass to O’Keefe Ranch since accepting that gift would be contrary to my oath of office as well.
Gyula Kiss
District of Coldstream
In fact, Coldstream Ranch has just as long a history as does O’Keefe Ranch. Both of the Ranches are of historic value. As for operations I have never considered them comparable. Coldstream Ranch is privately owned and operated by a Coldstream resident at a profit, while O’Keefe Ranch is owned by the City of Vernon and operated by a volunteer Board. Their business plan does not seem to include profitability even though it is operated as a business. Coldstream Ranch pays taxes to Coldstream, using those taxes to bail out Vernon owned O’Keefe Ranch does not seem to be compatible with my oath of office.
As for Mr Ted Osborn, he is not going to request money from Council on behalf of the Ranch as he does not own nor does he manage Coldstream Ranch.
While Coldstream Ranch is not declared a heritage ranch, in the past Coldstream Days were conducted on the ranch. There were exhibits demonstrating the past history of the ranch and hundreds of people took advantage of the festivities. They learned the history and enjoyed demonstrations of present day activities. I assume Mr MacGregor is aware of those past events.
I believe the fact that GVAC approved the connection of O’Keefe Ranch to GVW was a significant gift to the Ranch as it is outside the boundaries of the Water Utility.
The $600 contribution by Council, which I did not support, was indeed generous considering that it was the sum total left in the 2011 grant budget. The grant application was submitted by O’Keefe Ranch late and after our budget was finalized. I am hoping most Coldstream residents appreciate the fact that I try to keep their taxes at a reasonable level. If they can afford contributions to O’‘Keefe Ranch they are free to do so privately and individually.
I must decline your “generous offer” of a day pass to O’Keefe Ranch since accepting that gift would be contrary to my oath of office as well.
Gyula Kiss
District of Coldstream
It's now past 6:00PM so it's safe to say that we have all survived Judgement Day for now. Congratulations everyone!
The Borowitz Report -- God: ‘I’ll End the World When I’m Good and Ready, Me Damn It’
May 21, 2011
Almighty Holds Rare Press Conference
NEW YORK (The Borowitz Report) – After a much-heralded End of the World failed to materialize on the appointed day, May 21, Almighty God held a rare press conference in New York to discuss the matter.
Dressed in His trademark flowing white robe and carrying a thunderbolt, God seemed visibly irked by the predictions calling for the world to end this Saturday.
“I’ll end the world when I’m good and ready, Me damn it,” He snapped in response to a question from a USA Today reporter.
When asked if He had a message for the faithful who had expected the world to end today, the Almighty cracked, “They should be grateful for the eleven years they’ve had since the world ended on Y2K.”
God was cagey about setting an exact date for the end of the world, saying only, “When I decide to end the world I’ll let you know the way I always do – on Twitter.”
After the press conference, a publicist for God confirmed that the Heavenly Father was annoyed at having to talk to reporters to address the end of the world rumors: “Honestly, I haven’t seen Him this pissed since Pat Robertson blamed a tsunami on the gays.”
Elsewhere, Harold Camping, the preacher who predicted that the world would end on May 21, issued the following brief statement: “"The world doesn't end this week. Oprah does. My bad, sry."
I was quite convinced it would happen after sighting a black bear walking through the lawn of my rented home on the East hill this morning. I thought it might have been a sign of things to come. Apparently, I was wrong. (The Eagle)
Almighty Holds Rare Press Conference
NEW YORK (The Borowitz Report) – After a much-heralded End of the World failed to materialize on the appointed day, May 21, Almighty God held a rare press conference in New York to discuss the matter.
Dressed in His trademark flowing white robe and carrying a thunderbolt, God seemed visibly irked by the predictions calling for the world to end this Saturday.
“I’ll end the world when I’m good and ready, Me damn it,” He snapped in response to a question from a USA Today reporter.
When asked if He had a message for the faithful who had expected the world to end today, the Almighty cracked, “They should be grateful for the eleven years they’ve had since the world ended on Y2K.”
God was cagey about setting an exact date for the end of the world, saying only, “When I decide to end the world I’ll let you know the way I always do – on Twitter.”
After the press conference, a publicist for God confirmed that the Heavenly Father was annoyed at having to talk to reporters to address the end of the world rumors: “Honestly, I haven’t seen Him this pissed since Pat Robertson blamed a tsunami on the gays.”
Elsewhere, Harold Camping, the preacher who predicted that the world would end on May 21, issued the following brief statement: “"The world doesn't end this week. Oprah does. My bad, sry."
I was quite convinced it would happen after sighting a black bear walking through the lawn of my rented home on the East hill this morning. I thought it might have been a sign of things to come. Apparently, I was wrong. (The Eagle)
Friday, May 20, 2011
Lavington May Day, 2011.
Lavington May Day 2011 was held on Thursday, May 20 at the Lavington Centennial Park.
The program presented by students of the Lavington School students was excellent and very much enjoyed by the large number of spectators.
Queen and Princess Silver Star were among the dignitaries both at the celebration and the following Tea.
The Afternoon Tea was a great success thanks to the many tireless volunteers. I wish to express my thanks to the Lavington Community Association for the wonderful time we all enjoyed.
Below are a copy of the Program of the events and some photos contributed by Councillor Besso.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Globe and Mail Update -- Atlanta Thrashers moving to Winnipeg
Last updated Friday, May. 20, 2011 12:40AM EDT
An agreement to sell the National Hockey League’s Atlanta Thrashers to a Winnipeg group which plans to relocate the franchise to the Manitoba capital is done.
Sources confirmed tonight that preparations are being made for an announcement Tuesday, confirming the sale and transfer of the Thrashers to True North Sports and Entertainment, which owns and operates the Manitoba Moose of the American Hockey League and the MTS Centre arena, which would become the NHL team’s new home.
More related to this story
Gary Bettman, the commissioner of the National Hockey League, is expected to travel to Winnipeg to make the news official.
The announcement would end months of speculation about whether one of the NHL’s financially-troubled American sunbelt teams might move north, filling the void left when the Winnipeg Jets packed up and left for Phoenix in 1996, where they became the Coyotes.
Much of the talk this spring had centred on that failing franchise, which was bought by the league after being placed in bankruptcy by its former owner Jerry Moyes in 2009.
But sources in Winnipeg suggest that the Thrashers had in fact been the primary target of potential owners Mark Chipman and David Thomson all along, and that some months back, the NHL board of governors quietly approved the sale and transfer of the team, pending the negotiation of a purchase agreement between Atlanta Spirit LLC, the Thrashers’ owners, and True North.
In the meantime, no potential owner materialized who was prepared to keep the team in Georgia, and local governments there showed no interest in propping up the Thrashers.
“There seems to be a consensus there is going to be a team in Winnpeg,” former major league pitcher Tom Glavine, who had tried unsuccessfully to find new ownership for the hockey team in Atlanta, acknowledged last week. ““The question is who, and unfortunately the bullseye seems to be on the Thrashers’ back.”
When it appeared this spring that the Coyotes might also be in play, after a deal to sell the team to Matthew Hulsizer underwritten by a municipal bond issue fell apart in the face of political opposition from the Goldwater Institute, the Winnipeg group sought to take advantage of what suddenly seemed a buyers’ market, with two teams available and no other potential owners or relocations sites on the horizon.
After the City of Glendale agreed to cover $25-million of the Coyotes losses for the 2011-2012 season, and the NHL opted to operate the club in Arizona for at least one more year, True North’s full focus returned to Atlanta, and a deal was hammered out this week.
Even before those final negotiations took place, the potential Winnipeg owners concluded an agreement with the Manitoba government which will allow revenues from a sports bar with slot machine to be used for improvements to the arena, and to be used towards the debt service on the building.
That’s consistent with what Manitoba premier Greg Selinger told reporters earlier this week, when he said that the provincial government had no interest in subsidizing an NHL team, but that the province had financially supported the renovation of the MTS Centre in the past, and would continue to be willing to do so.
Last updated Friday, May. 20, 2011 12:40AM EDT
An agreement to sell the National Hockey League’s Atlanta Thrashers to a Winnipeg group which plans to relocate the franchise to the Manitoba capital is done.
Sources confirmed tonight that preparations are being made for an announcement Tuesday, confirming the sale and transfer of the Thrashers to True North Sports and Entertainment, which owns and operates the Manitoba Moose of the American Hockey League and the MTS Centre arena, which would become the NHL team’s new home.
More related to this story
Gary Bettman, the commissioner of the National Hockey League, is expected to travel to Winnipeg to make the news official.
The announcement would end months of speculation about whether one of the NHL’s financially-troubled American sunbelt teams might move north, filling the void left when the Winnipeg Jets packed up and left for Phoenix in 1996, where they became the Coyotes.
Much of the talk this spring had centred on that failing franchise, which was bought by the league after being placed in bankruptcy by its former owner Jerry Moyes in 2009.
But sources in Winnipeg suggest that the Thrashers had in fact been the primary target of potential owners Mark Chipman and David Thomson all along, and that some months back, the NHL board of governors quietly approved the sale and transfer of the team, pending the negotiation of a purchase agreement between Atlanta Spirit LLC, the Thrashers’ owners, and True North.
In the meantime, no potential owner materialized who was prepared to keep the team in Georgia, and local governments there showed no interest in propping up the Thrashers.
“There seems to be a consensus there is going to be a team in Winnpeg,” former major league pitcher Tom Glavine, who had tried unsuccessfully to find new ownership for the hockey team in Atlanta, acknowledged last week. ““The question is who, and unfortunately the bullseye seems to be on the Thrashers’ back.”
When it appeared this spring that the Coyotes might also be in play, after a deal to sell the team to Matthew Hulsizer underwritten by a municipal bond issue fell apart in the face of political opposition from the Goldwater Institute, the Winnipeg group sought to take advantage of what suddenly seemed a buyers’ market, with two teams available and no other potential owners or relocations sites on the horizon.
After the City of Glendale agreed to cover $25-million of the Coyotes losses for the 2011-2012 season, and the NHL opted to operate the club in Arizona for at least one more year, True North’s full focus returned to Atlanta, and a deal was hammered out this week.
Even before those final negotiations took place, the potential Winnipeg owners concluded an agreement with the Manitoba government which will allow revenues from a sports bar with slot machine to be used for improvements to the arena, and to be used towards the debt service on the building.
That’s consistent with what Manitoba premier Greg Selinger told reporters earlier this week, when he said that the provincial government had no interest in subsidizing an NHL team, but that the province had financially supported the renovation of the MTS Centre in the past, and would continue to be willing to do so.
New Study Finds iPad is Cure for Adultery; Owners ‘Stop Noticing Other People Altogether’
May 19, 2011
Mandatory Equipment for New Chief, IMF Says
CUPERTINO (The Borowitz Report) – A new scientific study released today says that iPad owners are less likely to commit adultery “because they stop noticing other people altogether.”
According to the study, commissioned by Apple, Inc., iPad use disrupts what scientists agree are the necessary first stages of extramarital sex: “noticing, admiring, and talking to other people.”
The study, which was conducted on a sample of one thousand iPad owners, found that not only did iPad use make them thoroughly uninterested in extramarital sex, “their nonstop talking about the amazing features and apps on their iPads made them completely unattractive to potential sex partners as well.”
The study also indicated that iPad owners are far less likely to have sex with the people they are married to, but that in two-iPad couples “neither partner seems to care.”
The new findings about the iPad drew widespread praise for the tablet device, including an official seal of approval from the National Association of Housekeepers and Maids.
In Europe, the International Monetary Fund announced that the iPad would be “mandatory equipment” for any candidate who hopes to take the helm of the IMF.
In Washington, presidential candidate Newt Gingrich said that the latest findings about the iPad made him interested in purchasing one, “but first I’ve got to pay off this damn Tiffany’s bill.”
In other political news, potential presidential candidate Michele Bachmann (R-Minn) said today that she was preparing for the GOP debates, including “studying up on where the Boston Tea Party took place.”
Mandatory Equipment for New Chief, IMF Says
CUPERTINO (The Borowitz Report) – A new scientific study released today says that iPad owners are less likely to commit adultery “because they stop noticing other people altogether.”
According to the study, commissioned by Apple, Inc., iPad use disrupts what scientists agree are the necessary first stages of extramarital sex: “noticing, admiring, and talking to other people.”
The study, which was conducted on a sample of one thousand iPad owners, found that not only did iPad use make them thoroughly uninterested in extramarital sex, “their nonstop talking about the amazing features and apps on their iPads made them completely unattractive to potential sex partners as well.”
The study also indicated that iPad owners are far less likely to have sex with the people they are married to, but that in two-iPad couples “neither partner seems to care.”
The new findings about the iPad drew widespread praise for the tablet device, including an official seal of approval from the National Association of Housekeepers and Maids.
In Europe, the International Monetary Fund announced that the iPad would be “mandatory equipment” for any candidate who hopes to take the helm of the IMF.
In Washington, presidential candidate Newt Gingrich said that the latest findings about the iPad made him interested in purchasing one, “but first I’ve got to pay off this damn Tiffany’s bill.”
In other political news, potential presidential candidate Michele Bachmann (R-Minn) said today that she was preparing for the GOP debates, including “studying up on where the Boston Tea Party took place.”
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
The Borowitz Report -- Schwarzenegger: ‘I Am the Sperminator’

May 17, 2011 Former California Governor in Emotional Confession LOS ANGELES (The Borowitz Report) – Amid rumors that he fathered a child with a member of his household staff ten years ago, former California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger made an emotional confession at a hastily called press conference today.
“I am the Sperminator,” Mr. Schwarzenegger told the room of stunned reporters.
The former governor and film star said that he knew the child in question was his “after no one could understand a damn thing it was saying.”
He said that when he first learned he had fathered the child, he considered a variety of options to remedy the situation, including traveling back in time ten years and using a condom.
According to Mr. Schwarzenegger, today’s shocking revelation could end his political career, but he added, “On the plus side, I am now qualified to run the IMF.”
“I am the Sperminator,” Mr. Schwarzenegger told the room of stunned reporters.
The former governor and film star said that he knew the child in question was his “after no one could understand a damn thing it was saying.”
He said that when he first learned he had fathered the child, he considered a variety of options to remedy the situation, including traveling back in time ten years and using a condom.
According to Mr. Schwarzenegger, today’s shocking revelation could end his political career, but he added, “On the plus side, I am now qualified to run the IMF.”
Saturday, May 14, 2011
NORD Press release -- Duteau Treament Plant.
The last paragraph of the media release is cause for concern. When the Duteau treatment plant was first announced I expressed doubts about its effectiveness for eliminating Giardia and Cryptosporidium. I was repeatedly reassured that indeed these cysts would be eliminated by the DUF treatment. It is now publicly acknowledged that is not the case. This is why Interior Health insists on the construction of a filtration plant.
You may have seen on CHBC that Kelowna recently showed off their new water treatment plant serving about 65,000 customers. It was interesting to note that there was no filtration plant attached and it does not seem to be a request from IH, whereas it is my understanding that a filtration plant will eventually be demanded by IH for the Kalamalka water source as well. One is left wondering!
You may have seen on CHBC that Kelowna recently showed off their new water treatment plant serving about 65,000 customers. It was interesting to note that there was no filtration plant attached and it does not seem to be a request from IH, whereas it is my understanding that a filtration plant will eventually be demanded by IH for the Kalamalka water source as well. One is left wondering!
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Warning -- Seasonal Flood Preparedness
Attached is a release from our Emergency Management Service regarding the potential for flooding. Coldstream Creek is already very high and we are seeing some localized flooding now. It is important to note that as properties are affected, our Public Works response is quite limited. The Notice is to encourage flood prone property owners to take preventive action in advance where they can.
Dumb statement but still a winner!
Canada is, and always has been, our Country. (Prime Minister Harper).
How long is "Always"?
How long is "Always"?
Sunday, May 8, 2011
SPrKL News! -- Help needed!
The planting project originally scheduled for April 27th is back on!
The plants have finally arrived! If you can help, please show up to help SPrKL and the District of Coldstream and we'll put them in the ground...
Where: Creekside Park (aka Dog Park) on the banks of Coldstream Creek at the corner of Kidston Drive and Kalamalka Lake Road
When: 9:00 am.Wednesday, May 11th
What to bring: Shovel, bucket and gloves (or whatever you have, we will have extras)
Why: Riparian vegetation was removed for a beaver dam removal. About 20 plants need to be planted and cage wire needs to be placed around them.
Here’s a chance to do another bit for Earth Month – please help if you can – no experience needed – training on the spot!
Photos of earlier volunteers and their excellent job! (Photos provided b Louise Christie).
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Coldstream Ratepayers News! All Coldstream residents are ratepayers!
The opinions expressed by "Coldstreamer" are strictly his own and do not represent the opinions of Coldstream Council!
Because I value your thoughtful opinions, I encourage you to add a comment to this discussion. Don't be offended if I edit your comments for clarity or to keep out questionable matters, however, and I may even delete off-topic comments.
Gyula Kiss
About Me
- Coldstreamer
- I have been a resident of Coldstream since 1976. I have had 15 years of experience on Council, 3 years as Mayor. As a current Councillor I am working to achieve fair water and sewer rates and to ensure that taxpayers get fair treatment. The current direction regarding water supply is unsustainable and I am doing all I can to get the most cost effective water supply possible.