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Coldstream Ratepayers News! All Coldstream residents are ratepayers!
The opinions expressed by "Coldstreamer" are strictly his own and do not represent the opinions of Coldstream Council!
Because I value your thoughtful opinions, I encourage you to add a comment to this discussion. Don't be offended if I edit your comments for clarity or to keep out questionable matters, however, and I may even delete off-topic comments.
Gyula Kiss;
About Me
- Coldstreamer
- I have been a resident of Coldstream since 1976. I have had 15 years of experience on Council, 3 years as Mayor. As a current Councillor I am working to achieve fair water and sewer rates and to ensure that taxpayers get fair treatment. The current direction regarding water supply is unsustainable and I am doing all I can to get the most cost effective water supply possible.
The ashes of countless loved ones have been laid to rest in our serene, magical, and restorative Kalamalka Lake Park.
Memorial benches too, mark loss and repose in this sacred place.
Shame on the BC Government for even considering the desecration of this Eden.
Genius, H,
No wonder the drivers of vehicles in the park turn their heads in shame as they pass us.
You can "smell" the aroma...
btw I noted the wagon heading north had to break fairly hard at your approach; we can imagine how fast vehicles go through the maintained portion of road in the park.
I shudder to think how many animals, demolished by traffic, painfully haul themselves off the road to die or face predation...which would be a mercy?
Thank you.
Husky Lover
This should be shown to BCAA, I am a member. This road was in their list of top dangerous roads in BC.
Do they really want to discredit their surveys?
Excerpt from current real-estate listing: Cosens Bay:
Tax Year 2012 Taxes$1,087.00A
Private lot on Pristine Kalamalka Lake offered at a great price.
Enjoy the peace and tranquility while building your wonderful summer retreat.
The property is located across from Predator Ridge, 40 minutes to the airport, 15 minutes to downtown Vernon.
The reason it is on the worst roads in BC list is because it does not even meet the minimum standard for a public road. Nor does it meet Parks Guidelines for roads. How many roads do you have to pull over to let other cars drive by?. How many roads do you drive down the middle or other side of the road as he has done on this video. Ask your selves this question. If the road does not even meet Parks guidelines for a road, which are designed to protect the park flora and fuana, animals and public who dirve the road, then what the __ll are you objecting to. The District of Coldstream has killed more Bears and Cougars than have every been killed by cars in the Park because that number is zero. I shudder to think of how many animals Coldstream kills each year. It is ok to build pathways and bike paths in the park that will effect wildlife but not ok to make the road wider and safer to travel. Their are many tourists, hikers, mountain climbers and even bikers, that come to visit this park and travel the road by car, truck, and sometimes motor homes. Some think they can get to Cosens Bay by vehicle and when they find out they can not, ask where they can turn around. Sorry there are only two spots at the end where this road is wide enough to turn around. I have seen a school bus with tourists on this road. Where do you think they were able to turn around. If the Grasslands were so precious why did the environmental report done before the park was formed say there was little to no native grass left. Oh ya that was because of the over grazing by cattle and bombs going off everywhere during military trainging according to the report. Parks knew this and that is why they were even going to move the road at one point in the mid 70's. This is about safety. How many roads do you know of where people ride horses down them, walk with dogs off leash, walk pushing a baby stroller down the middle of the road, two cars can not pass each other is some spots and not one of the corners meets MOTI standards for line of sight which is based on speed and the distance you should be able to see at that speed. To have this may uses and have a road that does not even meet the MINIMUM STADARD OF PARKS or MOTI is a huge liability. I would like to see how many people signing the petition would do it if by doing so they were adding their names to the liable lawsuit that the Government is now vulnerable too.
That "road" was used by cabin owners due to courtesy of Coldstream Ranch although the subdivision was designated as "water access only". No one complained about the quality of the trail until some clever individuals went to court about it. Somehow the judge sided with them and now there is a much better road than ever was before. Don't forget the fact that the zoning is for recreational use of those properties - no more than 182 days per year.
You can complain all you want the majority of people seem to oppose the proposal.
11:24 has no way of knowing how many animals go off the road to die, or struggle with injuries until they die.
I've certainly seen many flattened rattlers.
One of the saddest things I ever had to do was call the authorities to put down a magnificent buck with a broken leg. He was standing in the lake at Cosens Bay as coyotes waited on the shore.
Traffic is already too fast in Kal Park.
Several state parks we visited in the U.S. had traffic calmers on their roads, that's ALLg Kal Park needs to make the road safer.
I remember the natural pools on the original road, they used to hold water after it rained, it was interesting to see the prints of all the animals that visited.
Now we seldom see animals, let alone prints.
The cabin owners are playing the world's saddest song on the world's smallest violin.
"Cabin" owner:
The District of Coldstream has killed more Bears and Cougars than have every been killed by cars in the Park because that number is zero.
First, Coldstream does not kill bears and cougars, the BC Conservation Service does.
Zero killed in the park. Where is your data?
All of your convenient arguments, are so obviously self-serving, that I can't be bothered to entertain them.
Be content, and grateful, and leave our park in peace.
Dear Coldstreamer:
I am going to assume that you are truly just misinformed and offer to you the following documents for posting or I can email them to anyone that wants to sign this with an email address.
1: A lot that in the early 1970's was subdivided by the District of Coldstream and clearly states R1 Zoning on it. R1 zoning does not have a restriction of 182 days. There are also 3 large holdings properties out there that have year round living.
2: Copy of the Homesteaders act (Called Pre-emptions in BC) There were approximately 10 homesteads in the Cosens Bay Area. One of the requirements before the land was transferred from the Government into the title of the new owner of the land was the development of a road. Pre-emptions were not given to Water Access only properties.
3: The approving officers (Engineer) for 1272 has to submit notes with many details about a subdivision. If it was water access only this would be written in his notes and many criteria must be met and then would be registered against every lots title. There were no such notes and most of the titles do not have any mention of Water Access only. If fact the notes do mention in great detail the public road,(not private) that was put in. Do you not think it is odd to have no mention of water access but they do mention public road. How do you think they would get to this road?. Especially since his notes indicate there is no access to the road from the Water. I can provide this legal registered document.
4: Judges ruling that often mentions the Homesteads, as well as documents that show The District of Coldstream spent money on Cosens Bay Road in the 20's and had it listed as one of the roads in their District that they maintained. It was actually one of the highest maintained roads at the time. Now if The District of Coldstream wants to continue saying this was only a Coldstream ranch road then why did they spend Tax payers money on the road?.
I will provide all of these documents to you so you can post them and to educate your readers if you tell me where to email them. Or to any reader that adds and email address. This is about the truth. And so far the most important truth that no one commented on is this road does not meet Parks requirements for a road nor does it meet MOTI Minimum standards. The liability to this province is huge based on all the documentation and awareness of the road not meeting standard.
Maybe you could post the Documents that The District of Coldstream offered the courts in exchange for "immunity from Prosecution".
If we want to talk about dangerous roads through parks, let's talk about the road from Hope to Princeton (Manning Park route), where death lurks as you snake along the portion of old highway that is a cliffside goat track.
Where are the accident statistics to show that the Cosens country lane is a hot spot for accidents?
Prudent drivers need only demonstrate courtesy and everyone will be safe.
Pulling over to let someone pass, is as inconvenient as waiting for someone to complete parallel parking on 30 Avenue.
Cosens Bay is a finite valley, with high ecological and aesthetic values. Increased traffic will bring noise, death and destruction. Nothing you can say can flatten that reality.
We will fight for our park as never before. Watch.
Quote: How many roads do you drive down the middle or other side of the road as he has done on this video. Ask your selves this question. If the road does not even meet Parks guidelines for a road, which are designed to protect the park flora and fuana, animals and public who dirve the road, then what the __ll are you objecting to. End Quote
As some of my funnier friends say: "Those who can read and comprehend have a clear advantage."
To repeat [b] the camera was mounted on the outside of the driver's window[/b] which accounts for the off-set.
As far as "all over the road" goes, [b]I'm very sorry but the condition of the road supposedly maintained by the Cabin Owners [/b] is in such poor shape that not picking my way and looking for the better spots would have made everyone sea-sick while watching the video.
In all the other portions I kept a minimal distance to the right shoulder. I have many, many years experience driving gravel country roads.
Hans-Joerg Mueller
The Old Railfan:
My apologies for wording that could be interpreted as if I was criticizing your camera work or driving skills. I thought you did a very good job of showing the road and all that can happen on it. The only error you could correct is the reference to the cabin owners maintaining the one portion of the road. It is a public road and can not be maintained by them. If it was a private road they could maintain it or put a gate up but it is public and should be maintained by MOTI. Again I was just trying to point out how narrow the road is and does not meet minimum widths in many spots. Appreciate the time and effort you put into this and no disrespect was intend.
As noted in the video there is a big sign "END OF MAINTAINED PUBLIC ROAD"
That sign is outside the Park i.e. if MoTI is charged with maintenance of the public road why do they stop at that point?
We all know that the road is narrow, that maintaining it is not as easy as some other gravel roads.
No problem with any of that, but there is a substantial problem with MoTI's proposal for a 30m Right of Way to get carte blanche to enable them to do whatever they like within Kal Park over the objects of BC Parks who has the mandate to preserve the Park and its natural environment.
From what I'm reading there seem to be differences of opinion even within the cabin owners community. Apparently some in favour of correcting the road for better sight lines and better drainage. Others, apparently, insisting on a 30m Right of Way to allow for further development e.g. adding a BC Hydro line etc. etc.
It is interesting reading all the bits and pieces from the various governmental sources regarding the Cosens Bay Cabin colony. To me it looks like a typical case of the tail wagging the dog i.e. never mind the common good, we want special privileges. Even if we have to get them by hook or by crook.
Hans-Joerg Mueller
Every public road has a right of way to allow for things like power?. This road should be no different as decided by the courts. I can assure you that no property owner has asked for a 30 m right of way. We have only asked MOTI to do what they are legally suppose to do. The government has minimum standards for all roads and they Apparently believe 30 m is required. I am no expert on roads but I believe all roads in Coldstream are 24 ft wide with a Right of way of 20 m. Cosens Bay Road is probably 24 ft already in the grasslands and needs widening in others. The right of ways allow for ditching and yes power. Power can also go under a road. Proper ditching would keep people from parking and driving in the park and Parks own guidelines for roads require all of this.
As for MOTI stopping at that point, Property owners have been told for over 15 years that MOT would fix and then maintain the road but that is a whole other issue. Can you find property owners that would love to put the gate back and them just have a key. For sure because that would greatly increase their property value but that is a public road and it is not legal to do so. That road and all aspects of the park and lake that it accesses are all the publics 365 days a year. We ( the public, and governments ) have a duty to make it safe for all to travel by Horse, walking, or driving and it has had far too many very close calls. Yes I live out here, I live on Large holdings with no mention of water access only on my title and I live off grid with solar power. I love this park. I just do not understand why one can build a new paved road very wide to the Jade and Juniper Bay parking lots, a paved path that is almost as wide as this Cosens Bay road in some spots, many new bike paths but you can not touch the road that existed before the park and legally could never have been purchased by the park. You should remember it was Parks original intention to use the existing Cosens Bay road and pave it down to Cosens Bay Beach and have that as the main Beach. It was Ray Worley and a committee that proposed that instead of using existing development in the park they wanted Jade and Juniper bay developed and all that happened over on that side was Damage to the natural habitat. That was ok though because that is where Ray Worley Lives. Do you not think all those improvements and development over there increased his property value. Kidston Road is a dead end road but take a look at how much safer the design of the parking lots and road traffic are for the park users. On Cosens Bay Road Horse people pretty much have to unload there horses on the road. Do you think that is safe?. Property owners want a safe road and so should you.
You should remember it was Parks original intention to use the existing Cosens Bay road and pave it down to Cosens Bay Beach and have that as the main Beach. It was Ray Worley and a committee that proposed that instead of using existing development in the park they wanted Jade and Juniper bay developed and all that happened over on that side was Damage to the natural habitat. That was ok though because that is where Ray Worley Lives. Do you not think all those improvements and development over there increased his property value. Kidston Road is a dead end road but take a look at how much safer the design of the parking lots and road traffic are for the park users.
End quote
Grasping at straws already?
Do you question Jade and Juniper being the right location for public park use development? Switching to personal attacks, insinuations etc. is not a very good move. But it's your call!
Sure Kidston Rd is more or less a Cul de Sac, but it is much more convenient for access, not only to Jade and Juniper, but for hikers heading to Rattle Snake Point (aka Turtle Head), to the dog beach and the circle route that joins up with Corral Trail.
On that access road to the "Yellow Gate" parking lot, believe it or not I went and measured it a few days ago, the paved road measures 5.5m in width, has been "calmed" with speed bumps - since standard 30kmh speed limit signs weren't enough - and the total width of the road allowance, including ditches and embankments left and right is 12m.
I don't get excited about other peoples' facts, I just get my backside off the chair to go and verify what is actually on the ground.
As far as safety at the "Yellow Gate" goes, yes, it is nicely designed and [b]it didn't impact the Park[/b]. Neither along the road nor the parking lot. [b]Way back when that parking lot used to be a gravel pit used by Coldstream Ranch complete with access road i.e. minimal impact on the habitat. [/b]
Hans-Joerg Mueller
PS Why do I sign my posts? I have absolutely nothing to hide! ;) :)
Signing your post is much appreciated
My comments on posts of others are signed as Coldstreamer (my Google account).
Cabin owner, the idea of a parking lot in Cosens Bay is unimaginable.
You would role the dice on a wildfire? We don't need out of control beach bonfires or tossed cigarette butts
to rob us of our park for many years.
People speeding to Jade Bay have been a headache for many residents, several were relieved when there was a parking fee, it deterred yahoos.
again I would like to apologize for not fully expressing a thought. I did not mean to imply that Ray Worley and the group that he was on were out for increasing the value of his or any of their real estate when they made that recommendation or that Jade and Juniper bays was not a good choice. Just that some people are saying the Cosens Bay property owners are out to sacrifice the park for profit. I was attempting to show that it could have looked that way when Ray Worley made his recommendations. I do not believe that about what he did nor do I believe the property owners out in Cosens Bay are requesting the road be built to MOTI minimum standards to increase the value of their property. Also some people are saying any construction of that road would be unnecessary damage to the park. Again the same thing could have been said about Jade and Juniper. Just to be clear I think those were good choices for the park and yes much better than a parking lot at Cosens Bay. But if you are just talking about damage to the park from development then it would not have been the best choice. It feels like a double standard.
We can not make Cosens Bay road the minimum width but we can put in new roads and paths. Parks Guidelines for roads suggest it should be paved. I personally do not want that and have never heard a property owner ask for that but their are reasons the Parks guidelines were created that is above my pay grade. I do know that MOTI standards were designed to protect the public. Yes there are many bad roads in the area but none of them do not meet the minimum standard.
As mentioned/promised on another blog here comes the first zinger in relation to that "Information" event.
My persistent questioning of the need for a 30 meter right of way, resulted in one BC government official stating that the 30m are not measured in a horizontal plane from the center line of the existing road, but are actually measured in a contour fashion following the slope/rise of the land.
That was/is one ill-informed BC government official, check of Way Widths
While there duly note the official minimum for Right-of-Way Widths is 20 meters.
There are two ways to look at this: a) the official really doesn't/didn't know; b) was trying to side step my persistent questioning, of the need for a 30m Right-of-Way, by serving up the contour line.
Either way not good, not good at all.
As my friends and foes know trying to bamboozle HJ is a fool's quest.
Hans-Joerg Mueller
PS Sixteen years of Google searches are very educational if one delights in research. ;)
Perhaps HJ can find the Morning Star report that has Mayor Harvey cautioning (irony) Vernon Councillor Klim with respect to a conflict of issue re Cosens Bay?
I'll be looking for that, but since it has been suggested here the minutes from a public hearing regarding "Bylaw 1708 – Rural Vernon Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 1708, 2003
Purpose: A bylaw of the Regional District of North Okanagan to adopt an Official
Community Plan for portions of Electoral Areas ‘B’ and ‘C’"at which Mrs.Klim "spoke as president of the Cosens Bay Property Owners Society."
Page 3 of the minutes
Pertinent points: quote
Mrs. Klim provided background information regarding her Freedom of Information request on the history of zoning bylaws for the Cosens Bay area and in particular, the introduction of
the ‘Residential Seasonal Single Family Zone’ (R.6). She voiced her concern that all information was not forthcoming.
Chairman Field confirmed that all available information has been provided to Mrs. Klim and requested that she remain on the topic of the new
Official Community Plan." End quote
Case of ADD??
Hans-Joerg Mueller
Coldstream BC
As someone said/wrote recently Alice Klim is like rust, never sleeps.
A fiftyseven page submission to RDNO dated Aug 25, 2013
Apparently she tries to snow them under with mega submissions.
The way I would put it is "By hook or by crook".
But apparently it's not about money, it's about safety.
Hans-Joerg Mueller
I haven't found Mayor Harvey's caution yet, but I found Councillor Klim's rebuttal during the Sept 9th 2002 Council Meeting
COUNCILLOR KLIM: Councillor Klim stated she is not guilty of using her position within the City and at the North Okanagan Regional District Board to promote issues at Cosens Bay where she lives. She stated there is no conflict and there never has been and she will continue to operate in a correct fashion. Councillor Klim pointed out she has repeatedly asked for information from NORD about Cosen’s Bay which is not forthcoming.
End Quote
Now who would ever suggest such a conflict? With the benefit of 12 years hindsight and Mrs. Klim's track record, I can easily see how the issue arose.
BTW Digging through the council minutes is a bit tedious since they are in DOC format, which is a pain vis a vis the PDF format. If it were in PDF, Google would find the relevant passages very quickly. Not so when it's a DOC. Anyway I went back through the 2002 minutes and next I'll tackle 2001. ;)
Hans-Joerg Mueller
Here's another one illustrating Mrs. Klim's modus operandi (back from 2001)
iii) Cosens Bay Road
Mr. Pattison advised he had sent a letter to Ms. Claire Dansereau, Deputy Minister of the Ministry
of Transportation and Highways, requesting a response to matters raised by Directors Columbus
and Klim in a meeting with Highways at the UBCM convention.
Director Klim voiced concerns regarding comments sent by Development Services to the
Ministry of Highways regarding the Stasiuk Subdivision Application and in particular, reference
made to sub-standard road access. Director Klim added that the application had not been referred
to the Planning and Building Committee to which Mr. Pattison replied that subdivision referrals
are sent by the Ministry of Transportation and Highways after which the Approving Officer
returns comments only. He advised that as a rule, subdivision applications are not reviewed by
the Planning and Building Committee or any other Committee.
Director Klim stated she does not feel the Cosens Bay residents have had proper representation by
the Electoral Area “B” Director and Advisory Planning Commission.
Director Field stressed that the Regional District should not get involved in road issues as they do
not fall under the jurisdiction of NORD.
Moved by Director Field Seconded by Director Columbus
“that the Regional District cease all discussion with the Ministry of Transportation
and Highways on the matter of the Cosens Bay Road pending receipt of some
conclusion of the Ministry’s position on the maintenance of the road.”
End Quote
BTW Director Columbus was at that time the Area "B" Director.
Hans-Joerg Mueller
H J;)
"Cal" Harvey:
Thanks, that's interesting. ;)
HI Hans:
Now you know why I feel their is a double standard here. You mentioned to me to not be making personal attacks when I mentioned Ray Worley, which I clarified as not my intent and clarified and then you go on to start making it about Alice Klim. If you want facts as you say then why have you not asked for the intormation about R1 zoning that I mentioned?. Why have you not looked into the Homesteaders act and how many homesteads were out in Cosens Bay?. Why have you not requested the approving officers notes for the 1272 subdivision which says nothing about water access only or researched what is required to be water access only?. Why have you not researched why water access only is not on most titles in DL1272 and not on DL4679?.
I understand and appreciate the coldstreamer may not be able to post them (again a double standard if the information is what you want to provide people). But you say you want information. I can send it to you and you can confirm it with your research. I am not making this about people, just facts and information. Why not post parks guidelines for roads that require proper ditching and guard rails on some of those tight corners. Most of what I have is easy to find online. Some was through freedom of information and I can send to you.
Ask Coldstreamer what information was provided to the courts by The District of Coldstream in exchange for "immunity from Prosecution"
Why do you think the District of Coldtream spent Tax payers money on a road they claim was a ranch road?.
Better yet this one I have never been able to find out. In the 20's Cosens Bay road was one of the highest maintained (funding dollars spent on the road) roads in Coldstream as shown in the court case. The question I have is why did they stop?. Maybe you can find the minutes for that conversation. They would not have been maintaining and just stop without discussion.
Cabin owner ask Alice Klim if the critical documentation "discovered" by her at the Vernon Museum Archives, was verified by a notary, an independent forensic handwriting expert, or examined and authenticated by an expert in archived documents.
Self-serving "historical documents" retrieved with no supervision should never have been entered into the courts as foundational evidence.
You all must know, Alice even created Colony fonds with the Province to help shape her story.
Dear "Hiding in the bushes",
I read most of what you reference.
But first lets get the "names" out of the way.
Have you ever noticed that Ray Worley's doesn't show up in the various items concerning Cosens Bay Road? In stark contrast Alice Klim's name appears at every twist and turn of this saga.
From all appearances she is the only one who really knows what this is all about, at least in her mind.
Who but Alice Klim would go on Global Okanagan and proclaim that MoTI doesn't need to request a RoW?
My suggestion for Mrs.Klim: it's an election year take out the papers and run for Director in RDNO Area "B", let's see if a one issue candidate can get elected.
The one term stint on Vernon City Council would suggest otherwise.
Now back to that road:
Did I read correctly that the road traverses land previously owned by Coldstream Ranch Limited?
Did I understand correctly that Coldstream Ranch Limited never ceded a Right of Way on their land?
Did I understand correctly that Coldstream Ranch Limited allowed the cabin residents to use the road with specific conditions stipulated?
Could I conclude that this was done as a goodwill gesture from a generous neighbour?
Is it correct that BC Parks acquired the property through which the road passes from Coldstream Ranch Limited?
Since there was no ceded Road
Right of Way or road easement on the title did BC Parks inherit a legacy road?
If Cosens Bay Road was one of the highest maintained roads in the 20s is there any indication which portion were maintained?
Logic dictates that in order to get to the road portion which is not on Coldstream Ranch Limited land, one would have to come to either an agreement with Coldstream Ranch Limited to use their private road to get there - possibly in a trade off as in "you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours" with road maintenance on Coldstream Ranch Limited's private road done as part of the deal - or one would have had to build a new access road outside of Coldstream Ranch Limited land or one could take Coldstream Ranch Limited to court insisting that the work performed on their land and on their road makes it a public highway. Good luck with any of those possibilities.
I wasn't at the trial in 1996, I only read the judgment and I'm certainly not a lawyer, but .... I'm still shaking my head on how that decision was arrived at. Was the defense lawyer straight out of law school?
Hans-Joerg Mueller
PS I guess "Hide in the bushes" will be the suitable moniker until such time as you gather your courage. ;) :)
H J,
I wonder if the issue of the Morning Star referencing Harvey's caution to Klim survives in the Museum archives? ;)
Hi Hans:
DId the Courts decide that the Coldstream ranch after the turn of the 1900's no longer have the right's to the road?. Yes. Why?. Because the Coldstream ranch bought some of the old Home steads. The roads on those homesteads had designated Right of ways from when the homesteaders created the roads. Coldstream Ranch had no right to purchase those roads from the original Homesteaders as the roads belonged to the public. Just as Coldstream Ranch could not have purchased the road neither could Parks.
Yes you can tell where some of the funds were spent as the Homestead roads had names like Corral road, and Old Blue or Brew-willmont road.
Yes, I believe there was a I'll scratch you back if you scratch mine. This is only speculation of course as much of yours was too. When the other homesteaders left Coldstream was left maintaining a road with little tax base. So if the ranch bought the properties and they both claimed the road never existed then they both would win. You see if it was a public road the ranch would have to had put fences up on both sides to keep cattle off. By the way the ranch did offer the Owner of DL 1272 the Right of way to him to become a public road if He (mr Enns ) paid for or built the fencing on both sides of the road. I could speculate as to why Coldstream Ranch offered the home owners keys to have access to their properties but I prefer to stick to facts as much as possible.
The District of Coldstream denied the existence of documents to prove they had spent money on the road during the court case. (fact, as proven by testimony under oath). Fact, under subpoena documents were found in a locked safe proving The District of Coldstream spent money on the road. The the District mysteriously found other documents that they offered the court in exchange for "immunity from Prosecution."
It is probably true that the District of Coldstream and the Coldstream ranch did these acts that seemed very logical at the time innocently and a win/,win for both of them without malice but the future events and the cover ups that followed required Immunity. I know what it is like to take over someone else's Business and have to deal with their mistakes. My current Business obligations will not allow me to publicly state my name which is why I have offered to meet you for tea anytime. For now "Hide in Bushes" is fine.
I have spent a fair amount of time researching this situation before buying out here and am willing to share any of the documents I mentioned.
Hiding in the Bushes.
Anyone remember how the "nature loving" Cougar Canyon climbers, led by Lyle Knight, lent their support to keep the Cosens Bay gate open?
From the Coldstream website:
Cosens Bay Road
• Email from L. Melenko, dated April 15, 2004
• Letter from Alice Klim, dated April 15, 2004
• Email from Lyle Knight, dated April 14, 2004
Precisely why I term it "by hook or by crook".
OTOH we have this "great tactician" in Ottawa, who outsmarted himself several times thus far.
The MO is very similar and the comeuppance will finally also be quite similar.
I've watched this kind of circus many times and the clowns invariably fall flat on their faces.
Hans-Joerg Mueller
This issues is about cabin owners and more likely real estate agents and developers getting more people out there. Sorry, if you have a cabin out there you are to use a boat to gain access to it. I'm not paying for any road upgrades.
Secondly, the rare plants and fauna of that Park are to be protected by us so that their tiny remaining habitat may be saved for the enjoyment of future generations!!
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