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Coldstream Ratepayers News! All Coldstream residents are ratepayers!
The opinions expressed by "Coldstreamer" are strictly his own and do not represent the opinions of Coldstream Council!
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Gyula Kiss
About Me
- Coldstreamer
- I have been a resident of Coldstream since 1976. I have had 15 years of experience on Council, 3 years as Mayor. As a current Councillor I am working to achieve fair water and sewer rates and to ensure that taxpayers get fair treatment. The current direction regarding water supply is unsustainable and I am doing all I can to get the most cost effective water supply possible.
You say most people strive for fairness? How fair is it that a small group of people who live near the lake and do not have to drive there to enjoy it can make the decision that others must pay to enjoy the lake. This is a bad idea which will cost the taxpayers of Coldstream even more money than the failed boat launch study which this same group initiated then rejected when it did not turn out their way. It is time for the politicians of this area to act for ALL that voted them in and not just a small special interest group. Do the math (failed boat study $40,000, parking meters who knows how much more)) try spending our money on a crosswalk to help people get from the beach parking lot to the beach without being run over. The Kalavista Committee has not addressed this issue at all even though they claim to be making decisions in this area for us all.They care more about a few turtles that our kids and would rather see a safe turtle crossing built before a safe pedestrian crossing is put in. I and others are tired of our council pandering to one small section of our community. I voted for you now do the right thing and represent me..don't make me pay to park near the lake.
well said!
Boats are as pleasant to those trying to relax peacefully on the beach as a chain-saw or grinder.
Noise pollution = summer to me.
I don't bother going to the lake anymore. I can stick my head in a blender if I want that kind of irritation.
Now who's the special interest?
If safety is a real concern, then swimming areas should be at least double their size and be properly marked with buoys so distance swimmers are protected from watercraft.
If the hydro pole next to the crosswalk was moved visibility would be vastly improved.
Small traffic calmers like those near the waterfront in Kelowna would be a more practical solution than an overpass.
Overpasses present other issues.
You are right some boats can be quite loud. These are the same idiots who put loud mufflers on their trucks and cars. This sort of noise pollution should not be acceptable on our lakes or roads. The average boat is not that loud and certainly does not sound like putting your head in a blender(perhaps you should adjust your hearing aid) Summer is a busier time in this area and yes summer brings more noise with it. As a boater I would not object to the north end of Kalamalka Lake being a no wake/quiet zone with an expanded swimming area. As far as the crosswalk is concerned we don't need to put in meters and an expensive overpass, simply all we need is more signage leading up to the crosswalk, some new lines painted and a flashing light system when people are crossing.
@quiet boater:
If I had a hearing impairment the last thing I would do is turn my hearing aid down while swimming or trying to safely enjoy non-motorized water-craft while sharing the lake with combustion engine powered water-craft.
The irritating drone created by a throng of "quiet" boats creates a cacophony that is just as disturbing as that of a boat emmitting high-decibal noise pollution.
Putting in meters is an incentive that will encourage boaters to access boat launches away from popular beaches and people who want an elusive thing: peace and quiet.
Perhaps you may want to reconsider your choice of location. I have visited and lived in the Okanagan for over 40 years and have never seen it peacful and quiet.
These lakes have been used for recreational enjoyment for many,many decades and I doubt that will change.
There are numerous quiet lakes not that far away where you could probably find the peace and quiet you are looking for, unfortunately they are probably not in the Okanagan.
I am not saying this to be abrasive, I am just pointing out the facts.
As far as meters are concerned they will do little to deter people from using these facilities it will just add to the cost for many families. The fact is there are very few places to access the local lakes and meters will only prove to be punitive and costly to maintain and service. Why do you think the rest of the province is taking them out.
Re meters
User fees are a fact of life. You must pay to park at the hospital even if it is an emergency.
Surely paying a fee to partake in a recreational activity is fair. Boating is not a necessity, it is a luxury most families cannot afford.
Someone has to pay for the for the parking facility. It is reasonable to expect to pay for a benefit so few enjoy.
ps Twenty years ago Wash.State parks charged eight dollars to launch a boat. Furthermore, they restricted personal watercraft on their lakes because of the noise pollution.
I have spent nearly 50 summers in the Okanagan. Although the Okanagan was never a pristine wilderness it was possible to enjoy relative peace and quiet at the lakeside.
Kalamalka Lake is a treasure to be enjoyed by all, the north end in particular is a finite recreational and ecological Eden.
I have heard that lakes this size in Europe have severe restrictions on power-boats, even going as far as completely restricting internal-combustion engine water-craft.
Given that Kal lake is not a large body of water, common sense dictates that there must be zones where the majority of users are not subject to potential conflict with power boats or exposed to noise and air pollution.
It cannot be denied that at peak times when the lake is most attractive a majority cannot have the reasonable expectation that they they be free of the noise and air pollution created by a minority.
I have lost count of the occasions when the atmosphere of the north end of Kal lake resembles a grotesque carnival and not a place of respite and leisure.
Metered parking is a sensible solution. It deterred people from using the Jade Bay parking lot and they went to the other access points in Kal Park. Ask the long-time residents adjacent to the Jade Bay entrance how much quieter their neighbourhood became after the meters were installed.
Balance and consideration is needed to address this situation. As the population grows the reality is that we must adjust to sharing Kal Lake and access to it in a way that is fair to all.
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