Friday, April 30, 2010

Courtesy Don Quixote

Serious Coffee and A&W join HST fight

Andrew A. Duffy, Times Colonist

The southern Vancouver Island segment of the provincial Kill HST campaign has reached agreements with both Serious Coffee and A&W restaurants on the Island to set up petitions within the store locations. "Right now we're just working on the logistics -- when we can ensure we will have canvassers there on site," said campaign organizer Brad Slade, who hoped details would be worked out by mid-week. The agreements will allow canvassers with petitions to set up shop within the Island's 25 Serious Coffee locations and eight A&W locations to collect signatures. The exceptions will be stores within shopping malls.

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I have been a resident of Coldstream since 1976. I have had 15 years of experience on Council, 3 years as Mayor. As a current Councillor I am working to achieve fair water and sewer rates and to ensure that taxpayers get fair treatment. The current direction regarding water supply is unsustainable and I am doing all I can to get the most cost effective water supply possible.