(1) Funding Applications for Kalamalka Beach Promenade and Middleton Mountain Park
· Report from the Director of Engineering Services, dated December 9, 2008
· Letter from the Office of the Premier, dated December 5, 2008
THAT the report from the Director of Engineering Services, dated December 9, 2008, and the letter from the Office of the Premier, dated December 5, 2008, regarding Funding Applications for Kalamalka Beach Promenade and Middleton Mountain Park, be received;
AND THAT Council authorize the application for funding of $75,000 for the Kalamalka Beach Promenade under the LocalMotion Program, subject to Greater Vernon Parks’ commitment to provide 25% of the project cost, that is, $37,500, in addition to the District’s 25% commitment of $37,500 from the Community Enhancement Fund;
AND THAT Council authorize the application for funding of $375,000 for the Middleton Mountain Park under the Towns for Tomorrow Program on behalf of Greater Vernon Parks;
AND FURTHER THAT staff be directed to complete the predesign study and negotiate land acquisition with property owners affected by the Kidston Road multi-use pathway between Coldstream Creek Road and the Red Gate, to allow for future budgeting and funding application.
Kalavista Neighbourhood Concerns
· Email from Norm Hladun, dated December 8, 2008
· Email from Donna and Les Anderson, dated December 4, 2008
THAT the emails from Norm Hladun, dated December 8, 2008, and Donna and Les Anderson, dated December 4, 2008, regarding Kalavista Neighbourhood Concerns, be received;
AND THAT the emails be forwarded to the Kalavista Neighbourhood Committee.
· Email from Norm Hladun, dated December 8, 2008
· Email from Donna and Les Anderson, dated December 4, 2008
THAT the emails from Norm Hladun, dated December 8, 2008, and Donna and Les Anderson, dated December 4, 2008, regarding Kalavista Neighbourhood Concerns, be received;
AND THAT the emails be forwarded to the Kalavista Neighbourhood Committee.
1 comment:
I envy my Kalavista neighbours: they are fortunate to have a council who will listen to them. They have a real opportunity to shape and protect their neighbour hood. For those of us enduring the lingering negative effects of the Coldstream Meadows (Coldstream No-Meadows)development we seem to have lost our spirit. Dr Phil talked about bait and switch and I feel kinda like we were sold a plan which was presented as a ma and apple pie valhalla and now we are left with a looming complex that imposes itself unfavourably upon the gentle view.
I watch my fellow walkers collectively holding our breath the odd time I venture past the odiferous sewer vents studding Mackie Drive . Sewers good for the environment? Please. Stinky stuff shunted beyond to stink elsewhere.
Why not give Coldstream residents a tax credit applicable upon the purchase of E friendly cleaning products, this would go a long way towards preserving the quality of ground water.
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