1,200 Coldstream residents play soccer
The GVS application, pg. 66 says that according to the Dec. 2005 stats there were 2,000 youth soccer players and 700 adult soccer players = 2700 soccer users.
- There are 4 soccer fields at Creekside Park, 2 at Coldstream Elementary School, 5 at Kidston Elementary School and 1 at Lavington Elementary School. (There is one extra soccer field in Lavington that only has one goal post. They have been lobbying GVS to replace the other one for a long time with no response.)
- They have the capacity for approximately 240 players per use (12 fields x 2 teams @ 10 players for each team. With 1 use per weekday evening and 5 uses on Saturday, the fields can accommodate 2,400 players per week. (240 players x 10 uses per week).
- Young kids do not need a regulation size field. There are lots of schools that do not have regulation size gyms, or courts. That does not mean kids can’t play the sport properly.
E-mail Claim:
Coldstream has not built a playing field in 20+ years.
Coldstream has 27% of the sports fields of Greater Vernon with only 18% of the population. Why do they need to build more fields?
E-mail Claim: “we are MAXED out for field space.”
GVS application (pg. 60 & 61) state there are 51 sports field in Vernon. 17 are in parks and 34 are in school fields. ‘Vernon has a sports field supply of 1 for every 996 people.’ “This is a very high supply.” “Using a conservative estimate…. The field use in relation to capacity is 43% for school fields and 73% for fields in parks.” The estimate is conservative because it only counts capacity to 3 pm on Saturday – and everyone knows that teams play into the evening during the spring, summer and fall as well as on Sunday which is not counted in at all.
Lavington resources have also been totally left out of the stats.
Terri Jones for more information. Home phone: 545-6405. Cell Phone: 550-0338
Greater Vernon Advocates Committee spokesperson.
Thanks, Terri, for putting some reality into this issue. The GVS and the Sports lobby want us to believe that this issue is about making kids healthier by making a 'park' for them. It's not. It's about sport tourism dollars and Bigger Park Envy. (Vernonite boys comparing the size of their ...park next to the bigger boys, Kelowna and Kamloops).
Thank you for your enlightening information. I thought there was something fishy about the claims, but had no proof. I don't understand what is so hard to understand about the term "agricultural land reserve". It seems plain that it needs preserving!
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