A residents' spokesman in Cosens Bay says their push isn't for a wider road, but for safety.
Brent Hauberg says the existing road through Kal Lake Provincial Park
does not meet either Parks or Ministry of Transportation standards.
He says "M.O.T. has even been in discussion with the contractors that
maintain the road because the road does not meet the minimum
requirements for their maintenance vehicles to even be on the road to
maintain it."
Hauberg says the 30 meter width wouldn't be for the road way itself,
but would rather allow corners to be straightened and drainage issues
solved, leaving the roadway at the same width it is now.
He says the Transport Ministry will be publishing a notice of an open house, likely this month.
Corners to be straightened, for what a speedway?
The corners seem to be the only thing slowing traffic as it is.
The cabin owners are sorry winners, who are not content with the spoils they have won.
Something is rotten in Denmark...
Dennis Seymour: the "power of one":
You are right Mr Kiss it should be a 66 ft right of way. If parks would acknowledge that 66ft right of way none of this would be necessary but to date parks still denies the 66ft right of way. Maybe you should look into this. I am sure all the repairs to the road could be done if the 66 ft right of way mentioned in the court case was honoured by Parks and MOTI but 18 years later the road has still not been removed by the Park from it's land base and this is why MOTI needs to put in this application.
Anonymous July 21, 1:58:
The passage quoted was "up to 66 feet" see LVI of the judgement.
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