Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Video of the Track Facility announcement at Okanagan College. Courtesy: Councillor Besso.
Track Facility Planned for Okanagan College Land - Referendum needed to borrow 7.8-million dollars
Okanagan College and North Okanagan Regional District officials are touting plans for a big track and field facility on ten acres of college land north of the Vernon campus car park. The $7.8-million facility would include an artificial turf football field, bleachers, and a 400-metre running track. During a news conference Tuesday, Okanagan College President Jim Hamilton said the facility could allow the college to add sporting programs to its curriculum and hold coaching and athlete development clinics. Vernon campus dean, John Lent, listed a host of groups in the region which support the plan, including the Vernon Amateur Athletic Association. Coach Ian Cameron said the city's only track, at Polson Park, was finished. ``Polson Park has outlived its life, it's done. To have kids practising long jump on a paved run up is like practising soccer in a Safeway parking lot,'' said Cameron. Coldstream council is expected to give its approval to the plan as early as next Monday. It will then move on to the Agricultural Land Commission for permission to remove the land from the Reserve. Mayor Jim Garlick says supporters will have to sell it to the public ahead of a borrowing referendum. ``What would be the reasons for you to support it and have these discussions in the community because this is going to really be needed,'' Garlick said. The mayor said property taxes per average household works out to about ``17 dollars a year for 20 years.'' No date has been set for a referendum. Garlick says it may take place during municipal elections next November but possibly earlier.
Local politicians have big plans for a vacant piece of farm land next to Okanagan College in Coldstream. The regional district and the College --which owns the land--have reached a lease agreement to develop the ten acre site just north of the college's parking lot into a 7.8 million dollar multi use sports facility. The plan still needs approval from Coldstream council, the agricultural land commission, and from the public in a referendum. O-C's regional dean John Lent told a news conference, says the venue will have a number of facilities.

"It will have a community use Olympic sized 400 metre running track.It will allow Vernon to have things like the Summer Games and would allow different football meets to be held that couldn't be held normally. It's a lighted playing field with an artificial turf surface that can be used for football, soccer, rugby and field lacrosse. It will also have track and field facilities, covered seating for 400 spectators, a field house, washrooms and a community meeting room. Coldstream Mayor Jim Garlick feels it's a perfect site. "When you drive into the city, it will be there and it'll look great.The other thing is it's buffered from surrounding residential by the Ministry of Forests seed orchard, the college building and the highway, so again that's another reason to look at this site." No date has been set for a referendum, but if it's approved, the average Greater Vernon homeowner would have to pay an extra 17 dollars a year, for 20 years, to pay the 7.8 million dollar cost.

Water issues - Water source changes!
GVW will be opening valves tomorrow on Aberdeen and Kal Road to increase the supply of Duteau Water into Coldstream. Properties in the Central Coldstream area and along Kal Road will be on the Duteau source full time. The attached press release indicates that the water quality is rated as "Good".
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Coldstream kicks off Christmas -- By Jennifer Smith - Vernon Morning Star
Reminder, Christmas light-up tonight!
Published: November 25, 2010 6:00 PM
With winter well underway Coldstream is ready to light up the season with its annual Christmas event.
Coldstream Christian Church’s eighth annual Community Light Up gets underway from 6 to 8 p.m. Sunday at the church.
This year’s celebration, called Follow the Star, begins with Mary and Joseph’s trek to the stable, with Farmer Val’s live nativity.
There will be shoot outs and autographs with the Vernon Vipers, raffles and cookie decorating and crafts with Queen Silver Star royalty and candidates.
“You can warm yourself by the bon fire, listen to some special music presentations, enjoy a hot dog or maybe some popcorn, hot chocolate or cider, visit with Santa and Mrs. Clause and of course enjoy the lighting of tree,” said organizer Kelsie von Holst.
The event is free, but residents are asked to bring a donation (either cash or non-perishable item) for the Vernon Salvation Army Food Bank.
“The food bank will be receiving all the benefits of your generosity,” said David Hockley, church pastor.
Shelves at the local food bank are rather bare these days therefore the generosity of events like the light up help feed families and individuals in need now and several months into the new year.
“Our stocks are in desperate need of replenishing,” said David MacBain, Salvation Army community ministries director, asking supporters to check expiry dates on items.
The annual light up will also feature sounds of the season from students at Coldstream and Kidston elementary schools, as well as the church choir.
Local talent Karissa Waddell will also be adding her voice to the mix.
“She’s very talented,” said von Holst.
Coldstream Mayor Jim Garlick encourages everyone in the community to come out and enjoy the festivities. He knows his kids will.
“They like it at the bonfire and the petting zoo is a hit with a lot of the kids,” said Garlick.
Although this is a Coldstream event, neighbouring residents are welcome to attend.
“We don’t check ID when you come,” laughed Hockley.
Th e church is located at 9904 Kalamalka Rd., across from the municipal office.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Bad news for forestry - potentially bad news for the Kalamalka Forestry Centre.
Ministry changes destroy forest research
By Anthony Britneff, Times ColonistNovember 24, 2010
Re: "Ministry shake-up called into question," Nov. 18.
Ex-minister Bill Bennett revealed the lack of cabinet participation, thought and process behind Premier Gordon Campbell's unilateral order-in-council effectively nullifying the Ministry of Forests and Range Act and eviscerating the B.C. Forest Service after 98 years of service to British Columbians as their forest agent.
One of the many casualties of this act of madness is the disbandment of the forest research branch. Since 1927, research by forest service scientists has built an international reputation for B.C. forestry while providing the evolving science for sustainable management of our publicly owned forests.
The goodwill derived from world-class renown cannot be bought. It is an asset of considerable worth that has been built up steadily over 83 years. Indirectly, it supports the marketing of sustainably produced lumber to many export markets. To chuck it away is a reckless act of public vandalism.
For the same reasons the government rescinded Campbell's tax break, it must reverse this ill-considered reorganization of resource ministries before the situation becomes irretrievable and too much damage is done to the environment and to an intimidated group of public servants ruled by the tyranny of a compromised premier.
By Anthony Britneff, Times ColonistNovember 24, 2010
Re: "Ministry shake-up called into question," Nov. 18.
Ex-minister Bill Bennett revealed the lack of cabinet participation, thought and process behind Premier Gordon Campbell's unilateral order-in-council effectively nullifying the Ministry of Forests and Range Act and eviscerating the B.C. Forest Service after 98 years of service to British Columbians as their forest agent.
One of the many casualties of this act of madness is the disbandment of the forest research branch. Since 1927, research by forest service scientists has built an international reputation for B.C. forestry while providing the evolving science for sustainable management of our publicly owned forests.
The goodwill derived from world-class renown cannot be bought. It is an asset of considerable worth that has been built up steadily over 83 years. Indirectly, it supports the marketing of sustainably produced lumber to many export markets. To chuck it away is a reckless act of public vandalism.
For the same reasons the government rescinded Campbell's tax break, it must reverse this ill-considered reorganization of resource ministries before the situation becomes irretrievable and too much damage is done to the environment and to an intimidated group of public servants ruled by the tyranny of a compromised premier.
It is with great trepidation I heard the sad news. As the research scientist who fought long and hard for the establishment of the Kalamalka Forestry Centre I have great concern for its future. We had many world class scientists visiting the Centre, a great deal of world class research was generated here and a lame-duck Premiere is willing to throw all that away. There should be an outcry and our MLA should be the first to question the decision. I urge all local politician to express their outrage.
Water! Did you know these facts? Enjoy!
No new news in this attached PPT on global (mostly American) water consumption. But it's pretty! Some people may find some fascinating facts.
US warns Ottawa of pending WikiLeaks release
Thu Nov 25, 4:10 AM
By The Canadian Press
OTTAWA - The U.S. government has notified Ottawa that the WikiLeaks website is preparing to release sensitive U.S. diplomatic files that could damage American relations with allies around the world.
U.S. officials say the documents may contain accounts of compromising conversations with political dissidents and friendly politicians as well as activities that could result in the expulsion of U.S. diplomats from foreign postings.
U.S. Ambassador to Canada David Jacobson phoned Minister of Foreign Affairs Lawrence Cannon to inform him of the matter, a foreign affairs spokeswoman said Wednesday.
Melissa Lantsman said the Canadian Embassy in Washington is "currently engaging" with the State Department on this matter.
"We are not privy to the full contents of documents which may be leaked," Lantsman said in an email to The Canadian Press.
A State Department spokesman said Wednesday the release of confidential communications about foreign governments probably will erode trust in the United States as a diplomatic partner.
"These revelations are harmful to the United States and our interests," state department spokesman P.J. Crowley said. "They are going to create tension in relationships between our diplomats and our friends around the world."
U.S. diplomatic outposts around the world have begun notifying other governments that WikiLeaks, a group that bills itself as a website devoted to reforming governments worldwide by exposing their secrets, may release these documents in the next few days.
Many of the cables are believed to date from the start of U.S. President Barack Obama's administration, meaning that the White House will not be able to distance itself from any disclosures.
One concern, for example, is that the documents may reveal the kinds of pressure the U.S. administration has put on various countries to accept the transfer of Guantanamo Bay detainees who have been cleared for release but are unwelcome in their home countries.
Canadian detainee Omar Khadr was the subject of discussions last month between Cannon and U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
Canada has long resisted repatriating Khadr, the only western detainee remaining at Guantanamo Bay, despite pressure from both American and Canada's federal courts. That position is thought to have caused tensions between the two countries.
The Toronto-born Khadr pleaded guilty last month to five war crimes, including the murder of a U.S. soldier during a firefight in Afghanistan in July 2002.
On Oct. 31, Khadr was sentenced to eight years in prison. According to a pre-trial deal, the 24-year-old man will serve one more year in U.S. custody, and after that he can apply to transfer to Canada to serve out the balance of his sentence under Canadian terms.
It remains to be seen if diplomatic cables between Ottawa and Washington regarding Khadr, the Canadian mission in Afghanistan or other bilateral matters will be among the documents expected to be released this weekend.
_With files from the Associated Press.
By The Canadian Press
OTTAWA - The U.S. government has notified Ottawa that the WikiLeaks website is preparing to release sensitive U.S. diplomatic files that could damage American relations with allies around the world.
U.S. officials say the documents may contain accounts of compromising conversations with political dissidents and friendly politicians as well as activities that could result in the expulsion of U.S. diplomats from foreign postings.
U.S. Ambassador to Canada David Jacobson phoned Minister of Foreign Affairs Lawrence Cannon to inform him of the matter, a foreign affairs spokeswoman said Wednesday.
Melissa Lantsman said the Canadian Embassy in Washington is "currently engaging" with the State Department on this matter.
"We are not privy to the full contents of documents which may be leaked," Lantsman said in an email to The Canadian Press.
A State Department spokesman said Wednesday the release of confidential communications about foreign governments probably will erode trust in the United States as a diplomatic partner.
"These revelations are harmful to the United States and our interests," state department spokesman P.J. Crowley said. "They are going to create tension in relationships between our diplomats and our friends around the world."
U.S. diplomatic outposts around the world have begun notifying other governments that WikiLeaks, a group that bills itself as a website devoted to reforming governments worldwide by exposing their secrets, may release these documents in the next few days.
Many of the cables are believed to date from the start of U.S. President Barack Obama's administration, meaning that the White House will not be able to distance itself from any disclosures.
One concern, for example, is that the documents may reveal the kinds of pressure the U.S. administration has put on various countries to accept the transfer of Guantanamo Bay detainees who have been cleared for release but are unwelcome in their home countries.
Canadian detainee Omar Khadr was the subject of discussions last month between Cannon and U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
Canada has long resisted repatriating Khadr, the only western detainee remaining at Guantanamo Bay, despite pressure from both American and Canada's federal courts. That position is thought to have caused tensions between the two countries.
The Toronto-born Khadr pleaded guilty last month to five war crimes, including the murder of a U.S. soldier during a firefight in Afghanistan in July 2002.
On Oct. 31, Khadr was sentenced to eight years in prison. According to a pre-trial deal, the 24-year-old man will serve one more year in U.S. custody, and after that he can apply to transfer to Canada to serve out the balance of his sentence under Canadian terms.
It remains to be seen if diplomatic cables between Ottawa and Washington regarding Khadr, the Canadian mission in Afghanistan or other bilateral matters will be among the documents expected to be released this weekend.
_With files from the Associated Press.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Selected Articles - Morning Star News


Richard is right: I did chastize the 2002 Council for going against the decision of the taxpayers. But there is more to it than that.
First of all as the former Mayor I agreed that Coldstream needed a new fire hall and the old hall was a sad old building that needed replacement. My objections were first, for going to referendum in a non election year, when the turnout is generally poor and it's a lot of extra cost and second, Council borrowing after the project was rejected. The question at the time was: “are you in favour of borrowing up $$$...”. Any amount borrowed, even on a short term basis, after the vote was unethical and perhaps even illegal.
I do believe that we need to build new public works facilities. We have to ensure that our employees are working in decent facilities so they can do their jobs in an acceptable environment. We were elected to run the affairs of the municipality on behalf of the taxpayers. We collectively feel that the facilities are inadequate. If the taxpayers do not think we are correct and reject the proposal then we need to re-think how we continue. I, for one, am not going to vote for borrowing if the taxpayers are not willing to pay. It’s their money!
Readers Write - Sparkle -- Invitation!
Hello All,
Dave Facey, new member of the SPrKL (Society for the Protection of Kalamalka Lake) executive and resident of Kekuli Bay Estates recently brought the matter of a proposed compost facility to be developed above the present landfill (the dump) to SPrKL's attention. Dave and his neighbours have experienced the unpleasant odours coming from the nearby Biosolids Plant, hence they are concerned that the same problem may arise if a compost plant were to be developed above the dump. Further, residents in the west side of Coldstream may well be affected by possible odours carried from the proposed facility by the prevailing winds.
SPrKL is concerned not only about a possible odour problem affecting Coldstream residents, but more so about the possibility of leachate from the proposed composting process finding its way into Kalamalka Lake. Is the top of a hill between two lakes an appropriate place for a composting plant?
I have attached the invitation that was sent to Dave and his neighbours, and I will fwd the information about the proposed composting plant in another email to follow shortly.
Please attend the meeting tomorrow evening, Thursday November 25th from 7 to 9pm at the Regional District (NORD) office on the corner of Aberdeen Rd and Hwy 6 to find out more about the proposal, raise any concerns, and ask questions.
Special Council Meeting

This will be the meeting where the 2011 sewer rates are passed into a bylaw. Review the agenda package.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Sewer rate calculations.
Please visit the sewer rate calculator using 4 different options being considered by Council at the Special Council Meeting on Thursday at 5:00 PM.
Special instructions: Option 3 has a base rate of $120.60 up to 30 m3. Additional usage will show up in the calculator. Just insert your first quarter water consumption where the blue number is displayed and you can read the appropriate rates below.
The major differences show up at high consumption and at low consumption. They are similar in mid range. If you insert your last year's first quarter values you can compare the rates as they were in 2010 and what those same values would look like in any of the four options.
Comments, as always, are welcome.
Help! Help!
Hello Everyone
Please help me out! Council is reviewing various options for collecting sewer revenues to cover operation and maintenance of the service. I need as many answers as possible to determine the effect of various sewage fees on customers.
What I need is the first quarter water consumption from as many residents as possible to get a handle of the average sewage produced by households. If you know your first quarter water consumption please send it to me directly. If not please send me your Sewer fee with the date of the bill and I can calculate it.
This is what I need: Check out the attached sample bill and send me the info indicated from your own bill.
This would help me in assessing how various sewer rate alternatives would affect sewer customers. I need this info ASAP. This info may help in setting next year's sewage rates.
Email me the information: gyula1@shaw.ca
Thank you in advance.
Please help me out! Council is reviewing various options for collecting sewer revenues to cover operation and maintenance of the service. I need as many answers as possible to determine the effect of various sewage fees on customers.
What I need is the first quarter water consumption from as many residents as possible to get a handle of the average sewage produced by households. If you know your first quarter water consumption please send it to me directly. If not please send me your Sewer fee with the date of the bill and I can calculate it.
This is what I need: Check out the attached sample bill and send me the info indicated from your own bill.
This would help me in assessing how various sewer rate alternatives would affect sewer customers. I need this info ASAP. This info may help in setting next year's sewage rates.
Email me the information: gyula1@shaw.ca
Thank you in advance.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Council Meeting, November 22, 2010 - Budget debate.

Some debate is expected as to which option should be adopted by Council. The options presented by the Finance Director are shown on the white table. Council recommended Option 1b. This option would actually charge $3.48 for the first 15 cubic meters and then would sell the rest of the cubic meters at a bargain price of $1.74 (two tier system). Unfair for low users as they would subsidize heavy users. It also contains a very high tax component: about 67% of the base fee is tax.
Option two proposes an access fee of $25 per quarter (this is the tax component it would include an amortization charge of $18) and the rest of the costs would be divided by the total sewage sold to customers based on the first quarter water use (the actual cost per cubic meter is $3.28).
As the per household usage is estimated through water use absentee residents who use no water in the first quarter would escape payment. To ensure that those residents also contribute a reasonable sum a 15 cubic meter (another option contemplates 20 m3) mandatory usage fee is incorporated in the base fee. Those using 15 m3 or less quarterly would pay no additional fees. Those exceeding the base volume would be charged the going rate for the additional volumes.
This is very similar to the rate system the city charges except for the fact that our expenses are higher due to the operation and maintenance of our collection system in addition to the treatment and disposal charges levied by the city. The City's sewer rate is based on a twenty m3 base fee at $2.45 per m3 and additional volumes are charged at the same rate. Anyone interested in the debate is welcome to come.
Option two proposes an access fee of $25 per quarter (this is the tax component it would include an amortization charge of $18) and the rest of the costs would be divided by the total sewage sold to customers based on the first quarter water use (the actual cost per cubic meter is $3.28).
As the per household usage is estimated through water use absentee residents who use no water in the first quarter would escape payment. To ensure that those residents also contribute a reasonable sum a 15 cubic meter (another option contemplates 20 m3) mandatory usage fee is incorporated in the base fee. Those using 15 m3 or less quarterly would pay no additional fees. Those exceeding the base volume would be charged the going rate for the additional volumes.
This is very similar to the rate system the city charges except for the fact that our expenses are higher due to the operation and maintenance of our collection system in addition to the treatment and disposal charges levied by the city. The City's sewer rate is based on a twenty m3 base fee at $2.45 per m3 and additional volumes are charged at the same rate. Anyone interested in the debate is welcome to come.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Okanagan Symphony presentation.
Gettin' Dizzy: Don't miss this fantastic show Sunday night( Nov. 21st) at 7:00 pm in Vernon ( at Vernon Performing Arts Centre). The Okanagan Symphony is bringing special guest Mike Herriott Trumpet virtuoso.
Please Come, you will love it! Bring friends, special prices for high school students eyego tickets $5,Tickets at Ticket Seller 250-549-7469
Gettin' Dizzy: Don't miss this fantastic show Sunday night( Nov. 21st) at 7:00 pm in Vernon ( at Vernon Performing Arts Centre). The Okanagan Symphony is bringing special guest Mike Herriott Trumpet virtuoso.
Please Come, you will love it! Bring friends, special prices for high school students eyego tickets $5,Tickets at Ticket Seller 250-549-7469
Thanks for the memories! Courtesy Craig Broderick.
Here are a couple of shots of the demolition of the oldest part of the Coldstream Elementary School.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Finance Committee Meetings, November15, 2010.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Selected Articles - Morning Star News
I have assembled a partial review of the proceedings relating to the Parks Review. Note that for all appearances City negotiators were on side most of the way. It was a surprise to Coldstream Council members to see the negotiations suddenly going astray. I apologize for the quality of the document but it took a lot of manipulation to bring all those documents together. To access the document please click on Parks Review and download the document.
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Coldstream Ratepayers News! All Coldstream residents are ratepayers!
The opinions expressed by "Coldstreamer" are strictly his own and do not represent the opinions of Coldstream Council!
Because I value your thoughtful opinions, I encourage you to add a comment to this discussion. Don't be offended if I edit your comments for clarity or to keep out questionable matters, however, and I may even delete off-topic comments.
Gyula Kiss
About Me
- Coldstreamer
- I have been a resident of Coldstream since 1976. I have had 15 years of experience on Council, 3 years as Mayor. As a current Councillor I am working to achieve fair water and sewer rates and to ensure that taxpayers get fair treatment. The current direction regarding water supply is unsustainable and I am doing all I can to get the most cost effective water supply possible.