Written by Peter McIntyre Friday, 29 October 2010 11:14
A safety upgrade has been announced for a dangerous section of Highway 6 between Vernon and Lumby.
However, when the work will actually take place, is still unknown.
Vernon Monashee MLA Eric Foster says two kilometres of the highway between Ricardo and Grey Roads will be realigned, with the part by the Coldstream Ranch becoming a frontage road.
A new railway crossing will be constructed, and there will be improvements and left turn lanes added to the intersections of Grey, Kalamalka and Ricardo Roads.
The project will also provide wider shoulders for cycling and pedestrians and improve drainage and fish passage under the road.
Foster talked about the budget at the news conference at the Coldstream Ranch.
"Somewhere between 12 and 15 million dollars is the projected number right now. We're in the early stages, but that's the long term budgeting plan."
Crash records show there's been 119 reported accidents in that area over the last ten years, and local politicians have been lobbying the province for funding for, by some estimates, 20 years.
Foster says the planning and land acquisition is expected to take place in 2011, with construction to start possibly in 2012, and completion perhaps in 2014.
Foster says the windy section between Grey and Aberdeen roads, could be part of a future phase.
"You do the worst first, and this is certainly the worst part of the road, so we'll do that first, get it built, and start working on the next stuff."
Photo: MLA Eric Foster and Coldstream Mayor Jim Garlick unveil preliminary design of Highway 6 realignment at news conference at the Coldstream Ranch (P.McIntyre)
Click to enlarge and to see closer shot of realignment design.
